TWITTER GIVEAWAY: iPhone 3G 16GB Version!

5/02/2009 Posted by Admin is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The iPhone 3G

The iPhone 3G. Out of all the requests I receive for giveaways, this is the one item that comes up time and again. And so is giving one away--and it's the best version available. Retail value? $299.

You can find information about it here.

Note: This is for the phone only. You will need to sign up for a service plan through AT&T should you wish to win the phone. I won't be providing that.... Sorry! :-)

Obviously, you have to be a member of Twitter to play.

As with our Twitter Apple TV Giveaway, here’s how you can improve your chances to win it.
  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Tweet the following message to your followers:
Just entered the iPhone 3G Giveaway contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone!

  • Tweet and retweet the above message as often as you wish. Also, comment on this post. The more your name is in our database, it significantly improves your chances of winning.

That's it!

Please leave a comment here to let everyone know that you're in it to win it!

The winner will be announced when WeekinRewind reaches 10,000 followers on Twitter. From the pool that features the above message, we'll randomly select a winner. This process should go relatively quickly.

I'll follow everybody who follows the Week in Rewind Twitter account.

Those seeking exclusive giveaways should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

Good luck!


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«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 600 of 1472   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Steve D said...

    Submitting another entry.

  2. Sprittibee said...

    Pick me!

  3. fastfreddie1959 said...

    Im in it, & Trying to win it.

  4. fastfreddie1959 said...

    Im trying to win it.

  5. pierce said...

    I'm in this, to win this!

    Tweeted here and following

  6. David said...

    Already following and tweeted:


  7. missy said...

    I tweeted

  8. nvmisfit said...

    Who WOULDN'T want to win this? I probably can't afford the phone service though.But still,maybe someday.

  9. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  10. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted to win.

  11. Nosferatuia said...

    Sent another tweet :)

  12. Anonymous said...

    I would love an iPhone!

  13. jordanh91 said...

    Very in it to win it! (hope it works this time c.c;)

  14. laelene said...

    Thanks for the great giveaways! This would be awesome. :)

  15. Jodi said...

    Thank you so much! I'd love to win this!

  16. Unknown said...


  17. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  18. Edward29 said...

    Gimmie I-Phone.
    Tweeted and praying for the win.

  19. Marix said...

    OOoooo, sounds nice. I want it.

  20. a49erfangirl said...

    I tweeted!!

  21. Unknown said...

    I choose, choose, me?

  22. mdkeys13 said...

    I just made my first Tweet about this & will keep Retweeting. @melissadiane13

  23. Anonymous said...

    Hope I win this :D


    @Nikkopwn (twitter)

  24. Unknown said...


  25. phxbne said...

    tweeted -

  26. Anonymous said...

    Aha! I found the post a comment link! It escaped me for two days! :P Please enter me. I retweeted: entergiveaways

  27. hardcle said...

    Count me in!

  28. Anonymous said...

    I'm in

  29. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  30. BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

    I'm in it to win it and tweeted again:

  31. Adaptable Kay said...

    Okay I'm seriously wanting one of these babies!!
    I shall be tweeting and retweeting like mad :D

  32. Steve D said...

    My daily entry.

  33. katrina said...

    Thanks! Going to tweet this right now!

  34. Anonymous said...

    h boy i am so in it to win it. I cannot believe they have over 450 comments already! What a great great great idea! i am already thinking about offering free giveaways to get people to my own blog and website...anyone have thoughts on the effectiveness of this? Will people jsut visit once and never return?

  35. Jillyrh said...

    I need this soooo bad!

  36. SouthSideRider said...

    I would love to win this. I will retweet this frequently

  37. evilsharkerik said...

    I wouldn't mind an upgrade... entered!

  38. Anonymous said...

    Well here I am again, trying to win something else. This phone will go great with the Flip Mino I am gonna win!

  39. SouthSideRider said...

    I really want one!

  40. SouthSideRider said...

    iPhones Rock!!

  41. Anonymous said...

    Entered this loads of times! I'm in it to win it!

  42. Edward29 said...

    entered to win.

  43. Anonymous said...

    We can never have enough iPhones.

  44. Tonibelle said...

  45. Steve D said...

    Back with another daily entry. Thank you for these contests.

  46. BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

    I tweeted again:

  47. Cindy said...

    I want this soooooo bad, I need a new phone!

  48. KTG said...


  49. Steve D said...

    Another daily entry.

  50. Anonymous said...

    can i please please have this iphone, i am dying for an iphone. please. i wanna win this. i love twitter. please you gotta give it to me please lol. i need this iphone

  51. Alyce said...

    can i please have this iphone, i really want it. please. :'( i will do anything to get this iphone. plssss give it to me, im hot and sexy! i will give you my number :)

  52. MacBoyProductions said...

    Cant wait for the contest winner!

  53. AndrewTheWriter said...

    iPhone 3g ftw

  54. Josephine Ganwar said...

    hope i win!!

  55. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  56. kent beatty said...

    Right - I'm contacting ATT for my account - expecting your forwarding the 3G iPhone ASAP!!!

  57. Laura said...

    I entered to win

  58. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted to win

  59. Anonymous said...

    Im in it to win it.. LOL

  60. Unknown said...

    Tweeted. :)

  61. Night Owl Mama said...

  62. BiteSize Literature said...

    Done and done, I just entered.

  63. Unknown said...

    Retweeted... @arkanoid29

  64. Angad Sodhi said...

    I'd liek an iphone! Count me in @AngadSodhi

  65. Unknown said...

    RETWEETED. Love the iPhone

  66. Anonymous said...

    Entered this and tweeted twice

  67. Anonymous said...

    If this is open to New Zealanders, I'm in!

  68. TexasBobbi said...

    lala I entered

  69. Brandon said...

    Im In It To Win IT!!!!!

  70. Anonymous said...

    Just entered!

  71. Rhonda Martin said...

    Still in it to WIN it~!

  72. Chechulina said...


  73. Anonymous said...

    I would love to have this iPhone. I tweeted today also.

  74. Tracy said...

    my fingers are crossed! I tweeted@!


  75. Steve D said...

    Another daily entry along with my tweets.

  76. MrsDealFinder said...

    Great giveaway!

  77. carlottap said...

    I want this!!!!

    I'm entered!

  78. panofish said...

    Show me the iphone!

  79. binabug said...

    sweet, if i won this i'd finally have a phone i'd use

  80. Andrew said...

    Love it! Cool, idea, looks like you're just going to be a few hours to 10,000. I've been reading for a few months - I'm a media comm student who loves all things film, so thanks for helping me get my fix! :) ReTweeted! Thanks!

  81. Unknown said...


  82. Elizabeth Skrocki said...

    Awesome contest. I'm in for a tweet.

  83. heissb said...

    Great opportunity/contest!! Thanks!


  84. MsDrPepper said...

    Hey, this is such a neat prize. Wish I had won the one I have now, but my husband and son LOVE playing with my iPhone so much, I'd LOVE to WIN this one, so that they have their own phone to play with, and I could get my iPhone back!! I've also tweeted the message several times!!

  85. Anonymous said...

    IT'S On!

  86. Adam said...

    Oh hell yes, I'm on AT&T and everything...
    twittered @Dual45s

  87. auntjen said...

    I want this! I twittered it!

  88. T- said...

    Very cool!

  89. Knit Purl Gurl said...

    Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win this!

  90. Anonymous said...

    Retweeted this

  91. Cesia said...

    iphones rock. :)

  92. fireygrrrl said...

    i would really like to have this i just tweeted

  93. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  94. terrie said...

    Following you on twitter! Need new phone

  95. •´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

    Just entered/tweeted!

  96. Charlene Kuser said...

    Mega giveaway,I want that I phone~
    Thanks and I tweet tweet (Swtlilchick)

  97. Unknown said...

    Tweeted. Thanks.

  98. thisgoodlife said...

    Woot! Thanks, I hope to win! xD I need a phone to top my hubby's.

  99. Derek Johnson said...

    Just entered.

  100. Jillyrh said...

    In it to Win It!

  101. Mel said...

  102. Mel said...

  103. Mel said...

  104. Mel said...

  105. Mel said...

  106. Mel said...

  107. KarieK said...

    This ought to be fun!

  108. •´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

    Tweeted today :)

  109. zubiemom said...

    I followed and retweeted.

  110. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  111. Valerie Babin said...

    Thanks for this giveaway! I hope I win! :D

    my Twitter: VBabinDesign

  112. Rapho said...

    I follow you and I have posted your message!

    I hope I'll get it:)


  113. Mel said...

  114. Unknown said...

    I want to win it, I think my son would love it!

  115. Unknown said...

    I want to win it, I think my son would love it!

  116. Steve said...

    I am in it to win it

  117. Kristin said...

    I would totally love to win an iphone, because my phone is old and busted. The iphone is the new hotness!

  118. nvmisfit said...

    10 additional entries today then?Hopefully this qualifies me for that! Tweeted again.Thanks!

  119. Amy the SaltyMomma said...

    Would love to win this for my husband for father's day... thanks for the chance! :)

  120. Mel said...

  121. Lori in Jersey said...

    I really want an iPhone. (even w/o the AT&T service!)

  122. Stacy said...

    I'm following you on Twitter and entering this contest! Thanks!

  123. Steve D said...

    My daily entry for May 29.

  124. •´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

    Tweeted for Friday:

  125. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  126. Mr. Evans said...

    very cool

  127. Mr. Evans said...

    great now have a teacher's interest.

  128. Ashley said...


  129. Mel said...

  130. Lance said...

    Wish me luck folks! I'd love to win this contest :)

  131. Donna said...

    I'm in it to win it.

  132. Donna said...

    Twitter: honeywithsole

  133. ♥♥♥ jEn ♥♥♥ said...

    yes please!!

    i'm been dying for 1 but just couldnt afford it anytime soon! :)

    and i tweeted (many times) but here is the latest:

  134. Anonymous said...

    Well, yeah! I'm in!

  135. binabug said...

  136. Mel said...

  137. Sean Heffernan said...

    my twitter is: makbook

    i am gonna tweet and rt a million! want this sooooooooooooo bad!!!

  138. Jake Dalton said...


  139. Steve D said...

    Another comment posting.

  140. Stacey said...

    Count me in!

  141. Stacey said...

    I'm tweeting away! :-)

  142. Unknown said...


  143. Madame Purl said...

    ohhh... I would love this. Just tweeted.

  144. Edward29 said...

    tweeted to win

  145. Mel said...

  146. Anonymous said...

    maybe i'll get lucky :D

  147. LisaM said...

    I re-tweeted this contest again but saw your tweet about 10 extra entries, how do you get 10 extra?

  148. Mad Em said...

    I tweeted

  149. Gabi said...

    I'm in!

  150. Steve D said...

    Whoo Hoo!! Ten additional entries!!?? I'm in!

  151. Unknown said...


  152. Sarah L. Covert said...

    Shhhh, don't tell my sidekick, but this is the phone of my dreams.

  153. Anonymous said...

    Just entered and tweeted. Fingers crossed!

  154. AndrewTheWriter said...

    Oh, twitter. I love thee. :)

  155. Leah. said...

    just entered(:

  156. Mel said...

  157. Unknown said...


  158. Unknown said...


  159. Jennifer said...

    I promise you that I will use this as a way to bring joy happiness and expand business--iphone loves SAHM's!

  160. Birdcage Cards said...

    Count me in. What a great giveaway. I tweeted!

  161. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  162. Mel said...

  163. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted to win.

  164. Unknown said...


  165. Serif said...

    Just tweeted!

  166. Steve D said...

    A daily comment: A big thanks to you and to the sponsors for these terrific contests.

  167. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  168. Mel said...

  169. Unknown said...


  170. AMBER_RECORD said...

    Love your stuff and awesome giveaways... just entered!

  171. Warren Harold said...

    Count me in

  172. Nichelle - STYLEMOM said...

    Momma needs this I-Phone so I can really be stylin'!! lol!

  173. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted to win.

  174. harmonyf said...

    I tweeted again

  175. Nosferatuia said...

    Sent another tweet

  176. Steve D said...

    My June 2 daily entry.

  177. harmonyf said...

    I tweeted again

  178. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  179. Anonymous said...

    Yes! I am definitely in it to win it! I want one of these so bad. I followed and tweeted!

  180. Drea said...

    would love to win!
    im finadrea on twitter, im off to add u and tweet

  181. vsivad said...

    Would love a free iphone!

  182. Rebecca N. said...

    Great giveaway! Thanks!

  183. @askymi said...

    I just tweeted about the giveaway. When are you drawing?

    @askymi on Twitter.

  184. Mel said...

  185. Jamie said...

    Just wanted to say that I'm in this to win this too. (: (twitter: backinchaos)

  186. Anonymous said...


    does that mean my name is the database now? lol

    I could really use this, sweet giveaway! tweeted and following and will continue to tweet!

  187. Karen @ New & Green Baby Co said...

    Would love this phone!
    Follwed and tweeted.

  188. Unknown said...

    I want an iphone!!

  189. susan said...

    Today's tweet:

  190. Nosferatuia said...

    Sent a tweet

  191. AprilRain said...

    I feel like I'm going to win. Will I win? I'll keep you updated =)

  192. Unknown said...

    Wow! this iphone would solve all my problems. Or give me more. I am already addicted to the phone I have. LOL

  193. HazCty said...

    Who doesn't want one of these? Because I want one too!

  194. Jennifer said...

    I entered contest :) Keeping fingers crossed!!! Thanks for the chance!


  195. Joe said...

    I'm in it to win it!

    Just posted this contest to my Twitter account, too:

    Rock on!

  196. Robin said...

    Tweeted. Sure would love to have this!

  197. Anonymous said...

    I just tweeted!!

  198. Krystal23 said...

    I'm bluekrys23 on Twitter. I'm in it to win it. I'd love to win something and I love it to be an Iphone!!!

  199. Jill said...

    I'm in it to win it! Tweeting now. :)

  200. Jen said...

    Just tweeted - thanks! :)

    jen (at) mybeautybunny (dot) com

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