GOT FACEBOOK? Win a Nintendo Wii

1/27/2010 Posted by Admin

Update:  Nothing has gone missing.  I have all of your previous entries and comments.

Just as we're doing with our iMac 27-inch Giveaway and our iPod Touch Giveaway, we're making it super easy to win the Nintendo Wii 

See the blue SHARE button right above.  Share this above on Facebook, let us know you did so by commenting on this post, we'll check, and you're entered.  Simple!

You can enter as often as you like.

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest, which ends March 31.  You can do so here:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here. 

Finally, this will come in handy later as the contest progresses:

You can join our fan page on Facebook here.

Getting a head start on being a member of our fan page would be a smart move, indeed, as this contest also promises to mix it up.

Good luck!


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  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 1830   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB 5 Times

  2. Anonymous said...


  3. Josafiend said...

    Shared on Facebook & tweeted,,,
    Twitter ID: @jowright1959

  4. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on facebook
    Tan Smith

  5. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared on

  6. skipthelaundry said...

    I'm a subscriber and just posted on facebook under Amber Jackson Porter

  7. Pip444 said...

    Shared on FB

  8. Anonymous said...


  9. Anonymous said...!/profile.php?id=100000743391399

  10. Josafiend said...

    I shared and am a newsletter subscriber (,

  11. Idaho Jill said...

    shared on facebook - Idaho Jill - thanks!!/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=289000843338&id=1822158092&ref=mf

  12. lisa said...

    shared on fb
    happy super bowling day :)

  13. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  14. JanSKay said...

    Shared on FB

  15. jason s said...

    facebooked and tweeted again

  16. Joyce McDaniel said...

    I retwitted message to twitter 2 times
    Left a message on facebook fan page
    Left 2 messages on facebook
    Shared the link on my facebook site
    Subscribe to feeds
    Newsletter subscriber

  17. Joyce McDaniel said...

    I retwitted message to twitter 2 times
    Left a message on facebook fan page
    Left 2 messages on facebook
    Shared the link on my facebook site
    Subscribe to feeds
    Newsletter subscriber

  18. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Subscribed to Email Newsletter RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    - Contact info in my Blogger profile

  19. Anonymous said...


  20. Mary Wajda said...

    Already a member / FB fan / email subscriber

    Shared on FB

  21. Anonymous said...


  22. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on facebook
    tan smith

  23. Josafiend said...

    I shared at, and tweeted at @jowright1959

  24. justashygirl said...

    I subscribed.

  25. justashygirl said...

    I shared on Facebook.!/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=299341816859&id=100000338934599&ref=nf

  26. justashygirl said...

    I retweeted.

  27. Tamra Augostino said...

    Shared on my facebook again today!
    auggies at comast dot net

  28. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  29. Josafiend said...

    I shared again on Facebook,

  30. Mary Wajda said...

    Already a member / FB fan / email subscriber

    Shared on FB

  31. JanSKay said...

    Shared on Facebook

  32. Joyce McDaniel said...

    Left message on Facebook
    Left message on Twitter
    Retwitted again on Twitter
    Read news feeds
    Subcriber to emails
    Left message on Fan Page
    Follow you on twitter.
    Joyce McDaniel

  33. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  34. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FBOOK

  35. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  36. alexa said...

    Alexa Nernberg

    Shared on Facebook (username: Alexa Nernberg).

  37. Spankieway said...

    Shared on Face Book

  38. Spankieway said...

    1 Digg for Wii.

  39. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  40. Spankieway said...

    Digg again to win. Not showing on the Diggs. Should be 6 now.

    Tigertoes is Spankieway

  41. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  42. Anonymous said...

    Today's Tweet:

  43. Josafiend said...

    I shared at

  44. alexa said...

    Alexa Nernberg

    Shared on Facebook (user: Alexa Nernberg)

  45. Mary Wajda said...

    Already a member / FB fan / email subscriber

    Shared on FB

  46. Pip444 said...

    Shared on FB

  47. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  48. Anonymous said...

    shared FaceBook

  49. contestrobyn said...

    I tweeted

    RT @weekinrewind GOT FACEBOOK? Win a Nintendo Wii: Movie Reviews, Trailers, Photos, Posters, News, Giveaways | Week i...

  50. lisa said...

    shared on FB just now... thanks Chris.

  51. Spankieway said...

    Shared 2 times on FB

  52. Spankieway said...

    Shared with FB

  53. Bingo said...

    I shared today on Facebook for the Wii 1 time

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  54. Bingo said...

    I shared today on Facebook for the Wii 2 times

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  55. Bingo said...

    I shared today on Facebook for the Wii 3 times

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  56. Bingo said...

    I shared today on Facebook for the Wii 4 times

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  57. Bingo said...

    I shared today on Facebook for the Wii 5 times

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  58. Anonymous said...!/profile.php?id=100000743391399

  59. Joyce Knighting McDaniel said...

    Left 2 message on Facebook
    Left message on Twitter
    Retwitted again on Twitter
    Subcriber to news feeds
    Subcriber to mails
    Left message on Fan Page
    Joyce McDaniel

  60. tomgirlbc said...

    facebooked twice today

  61. Anonymous said...

    Today's Tweet:

  62. Josafiend said...

    I shared on FB again,

  63. JanSKay said...

    Facebooked as required for entry :)

  64. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  65. Anonymous said...

    facebooked it.

    200 Additional Entries

  66. Loky said...

    Shared on facebook.!/lsalvari

  67. mgledrew said...

    Shared on Facebook

  68. Anonymous said...

    Today's Tweet:

  69. Anonymous said...

    Today's posting on facebook:

  70. Josafiend said...

    I tweeted, and shared

  71. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  72. Josafiend said...

    I shared I ♥ - simply retweet for the chance to win an Apple iPad from @retailmenot -

  73. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on facebook
    Tan Smith

  74. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  75. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  76. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  77. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  78. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  79. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  80. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  81. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  82. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  83. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  84. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on


  85. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  86. Spankieway said...

    Buzzed it

  87. iwuzbord said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  88. gigi8269 said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  89. Bingo said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

    (thank you!)

  90. Spankieway said...

    buzzed it again to google reader

  91. Nina M said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  92. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  93. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  94. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  95. Pat B said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    tooluckyducky AT hotmail DOT com

  96. Jason S said...

    facebook shared again

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  97. Spankieway said...

    shared again on FB

  98. littlthon said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  99. Pricousins said...

    Shared on FB again.

  100. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  101. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  102. alexa said...

    Alexa Nernberg

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!".

  103. skipthelaundry said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter Subscriber!

  104. Dutchbrosluv said...

    I am a I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!
    I am a Twitter follower @Dutchbrosluv
    and a facebook fan!

    love to win! Linda

  105. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 1 time so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  106. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 2 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  107. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 3 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  108. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 4 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  109. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 5 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  110. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 6 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  111. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 7 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  112. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 8 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  113. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 9 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  114. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  115. Bingo said...

    I shared for the Wii on Facebook tonight for 10 times so far

    kdhaney at gmail DOT com

  116. nubianp said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!" I also shared on face book

  117. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  118. 4intow said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    @caitlin_melody on twitter

  119. kakihara said...

    shared on facebook

  120. kakihara said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  121. opalbaker said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  122. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  123. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  124. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  125. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  126. jellosheriff said...
    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  127. jellosheriff said...
    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  128. jellosheriff said...
    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  129. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  130. benjamin w said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  131. Bingo said...

    I retweeted for the Wii at my @bookinbinko account 1 time so far tonight

  132. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  133. Unknown said...


  134. cindylee137 said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    retweeted and shared,,
    Cindy Procter
    cindylee137 on Twitter

  135. Bingo said...

    I am a member and I digged (is that how I say it?) tonight for the Wii

  136. mcclave said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  137. cherdon said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  138. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB: Gluc Arthy

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  139. lisa said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"
    posted on fb
    I'm also tweeting the contest, but didn't right this second...

  140. paula said...

    Hi chris,

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    also shared at FB


  141. paula said...

    Hi chris,

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    also shared at FB


  142. Coistycat said...



    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  143. Sophie said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  144. Kelsey Taylor said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  145. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    persianarmenian at

  146. ~dab said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  147. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  148. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  149. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  150. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  151. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  152. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  153. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  154. Spankieway said...

    subscribed to feedburner and shared on FB

  155. Jennifer P said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    jenni104 at yahoo dot com

  156. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB

  157. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  158. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  159. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  160. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  161. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  162. Spankieway said...

    shared on FB

  163. Anonymous said...

    Today's Tweet:

  164. Anonymous said...

    Dugg it!

  165. Cheryl said...

    Shared on facebook

    More power! & Godbless!

  166. Dee Dee Warren said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  167. tikkki said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  168. Unknown said...

    I shared on Facebook and I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  169. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on facebook
    tan smith

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  170. GotSpawn said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  171. Josafiend said...

    I tweeted and shared on Facebook,

  172. gregb204 said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber

  173. said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  174. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on


    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  175. Tamra Augostino said...

    I tweeted

  176. Tamra Augostino said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber! auggies at comcast dot net

  177. Susan ( @grumpy1970 ) said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  178. Andrew said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  179. Anonymous said... shared on FB

  180. Pixframe said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  181. Me-Ann said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    shared on FB:

  182. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  183. Edward29 said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook
    - Subscribed to Newsletter, & RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter..
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  184. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    Shared on FB!

  185. JanSKay said...

    Shared on Facebook to enter and I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  186. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  187. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  188. ktwdg said...

    Shared on FB Kathleen Cochran

  189. ktwdg said...

    RT @ktwdg

  190. ktwdg said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  191. Joyce McDaniel said...

    Left message on Facebook
    Left message on Twitter
    Retwitted again on Twitter
    Subscribe to news feeds
    Subcribe to emails
    Left message on Fan Page
    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Joyce McDaniel

  192. E. Gibson said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter suscriber

  193. Tempest52 said...

    I'm a member and I shared on Facebook. I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  194. Josafiend said...

    I tweeted,, and shared,

  195. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB and "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  196. Spankieway said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!" and shared on FB

  197. tomgirlbc said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    yes another one.. for an extra 100 oh yea

  198. smithalso said...

    "I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  199. chromiumman said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

  200. Spankieway said...

    Shared on FB 3 times

«Oldest ‹Older   601 – 800 of 1830   Newer› Newest»