The Benchwarmers: Blu-ray disc DVD Review

8/22/2007 Posted by Admin

"The Benchwarmers"

The tagline for the movie notes that "It's Never too Late to Take a Stand." It's also never too late to choose a better movie at the video store.

The film, available on standard DVD and high-definition Blu-ray, follows three grown men who were bullied as children, and who now, with the help of wealthy Mel (Jon Lovitz), take on the cruelest of cruel Little League teams in an effort to prove that they can, well, beat children.

Involved in the chaos is Gus (Rob Schneider), virginal Ritchie (David Spade), and Clark (Jon Heder), who has a taste, shall we say, for the nose pate.

Lovely. Much vomit ensues. "The Bad News Bears" this isn't.

Rated PG-13. Grade: D

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