Catch Me if You Can: DVD & Movie Review
(Originally published 2002)
Steven Spielberg's "Catch Me if You Can" is based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr., a young man who became a teacher, a pilot, a doctor, an assistant district attorney and a multi-millionaire all before the age of 21.
Before some of you start questioning whether your little Johnny or Jill isn’t quite the shining star you thought they were, it’s helpful to know that Frank was a fraud and a crook, achieving his remarkable "success" through an untold number of lies and the spunk of his considerable charm.
The film, which screenwriter Jeff Nathanson based on the 1980 memoir by Frank Abagnale Jr. with Stan Redding, might not be Spielberg’s best movie, but it joins the director’s other 2002 release, "Minority Report," in being one of last year’s best.
At its core is a performance by Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale that’s the polar opposite of his grim turn in "Gangs of New York" and the boring high-mindedness he displayed in "The Beach." Here, his performance is light and effortless, so breezy that it keeps the film bubbling along in spite of a 2-1/2 hour running time that could have sandbagged it, yet so confident and focused that it can’t be dismissed as fluff.
Set during the mid-1960s, a time whose comparative innocence and gullibility were major factors in facilitating Abagnale’s daring series of crimes, the film chronicles Abagnale’s life from ages 16 to 25, with the 28-year-old DiCaprio fully believable at each age.
After the traumatic divorce of his parents (Christopher Walker and Nathalie Baye), Abagnale--eager to become more than just the product of their failed marriage--stumbles into his true calling as a con artist. He learns early on that sometimes all a person needs to succeed isn’t the right education but the right suit, a disarming smile, a fresh face, a smooth way with words and the chutzpah to carry on in spite of the odds life sometimes stacks against you.
As such, Frank drops out of school and begins a remarkable life of crime, forging millions of dollars in Pan Am paychecks after passing himself off as a Pan Am pilot and conning his way into the friendly skies. Colorful stints as a doctor and a lawyer follow--and so does Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), the lonely FBI agent determined to catch Frank if he can.
What ensues is lively and fun, a cat-and-mouse chase that crisscrosses continents and which is deepened considerably with the bond that grows between the two men. Indeed, as the years pass, Frank and Carl develop a father-son relationship whose strength is fully revealed at the end, which offers a surprising twist that would have seemed absurd if it weren’t based on fact.
Grade: A-
May 2, 2009 at 1:16 PM
lol this movie was great
March 8, 2010 at 6:50 PM
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