Hex: Complete First Season: DVD Review (2007)

8/09/2007 Posted by Admin

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Charmed" by way of BBC America.

The promising first season of "Hex" embraces the ongoing idea that boarding schools are the place to be if one happens to be otherworldly.

Such is the case for Cassie Hughes (Christina Cole), whose growing telekinetic powers might make her feel out of place amid the English elite with whom she attends classes, but their disdain for her is nothing compared to the real force about to enter her life--the fallen angel Azazeal (Michael Fassbinder), who sees in Cassie a way to further his own agenda.

Joined by her ghostly roommate Thelma (the funny Jemima Rooper), Cassie becomes a force, which is a good thing since a force is what it's going to take to keep Azazeal at bay.

Good performances and solid writing mark the series.

Grade: B

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