Miami Vice: Season Five: DVD Review (2007)

8/07/2007 Posted by Admin

Some shows hold up up. Others don’t. Viewed now, the fifth season of Michael Mann’s “Miami Vice” feels more like “Miami Blight.”

Who knew the show would be among the first to champion the metrosexual?

The series was a harbinger for the horrors of what was fashionable during the 1980s--it championed such things as the skinny neck tie, the geri curl, the white shoe, the pastel suit.

It was a television show that was of and for the times, fetishizing the Ferrari Crockett and Tubbs drove, the expensive speedboats they raced, the stubble they sported, the bling that was part of their job.

As such, the series now is something of a corroded time capsule. You might fondly remember all that went into it, but now, years later, in a different world, you also might wonder why you cared in the first place.

Grade: C-

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Agreed. The show really brought back a lot of memories of a favorite part of my youth, but in retrospect, I'd forgotten how dark the series got before it ended.

    I found the first 2 seasons to be the best, and really thought the show 'jumped the shark' when they blew up Sonny's car.

    There were some great episodes in all the seasons, but there were times when the comical buffoons
    used for levity made me fast forward the DVD. Losing focus on Sonny and Tubb, and focusing on Izzy and the other unmemorable character sucked some life from the ride.

    I made it a point to watch the pilot/final episode back to back
    to embrace the evolution of the show
    one weekend and found it interesting how well that worked.