Erin Brockovich: HD DVD Review

(Originally published March 17, 2000)
Based on a true story, the movie is about one woman’s crusade to find herself and her place in this world while fighting a $28 billion conglomerate knowingly dumping deadly carcinogens into the ground water.
Based on a true story, the movie is about one woman’s crusade to find herself and her place in this world while fighting a $28 billion conglomerate knowingly dumping deadly carcinogens into the ground water.
Julia Roberts landed the role of her life here. She’s Erin Brockovich, a smart, pretty tough woman who takes on corporate America in a padded bra and six-inch stiletto heels.
Perfect casting? You bet.
But to director Steven Soderbergh’s credit, his film only treats Erin as the world treats beautiful women--as sex objects whose respect must be earned.
Which brings us back to Julia Roberts--she’s so good in “Brockovich,” so convincing and consistently worth watching, she earns our respect, not to mention a $20 million paycheck and, of course, an Academy Award for her trouble.
Rated R. Grade: B+
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