Simon Schama's Power of Art: DVD Review (2007)

8/07/2007 Posted by Admin

Faring well is "Simon Schama's Power of Art," in which the Columbia University professor takes us through hour-long explorations of the works of Caravaggio, Bernini, Rothko, David, Turner, Van Gogh, Picasso and Rembrandt. While the latter three are the more predictable to explore, Schama does manage to build drama around them and their works in spite of their mainstream familiarity. His examination of other artists, such as Turner, proves more rewarding.

For instance, Schama notes about that artist: "We all think we know Turner, don't we? He seems as comfortably British as a cup of tea. He is, after all, the National Gallery's all-time favorite. But there is another Turner, a Turner you don't know--a painter of chaos, conflagration and apocalypse." Strong words, but Schama comes through with the goods.

If there's a criticism of the set, it's of Schama himself, who favors, shall we say, a heavy pen. His overwriting can be offputting, but sift through the wordplay and the padding, and what you find is a mind bright with insight.

Grade: B+

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