Gothika: Movie Review, DVD Review, HD DVD Review, Blu-ray Review

9/28/2007 Posted by Admin

"Gothika: HD DVD, Blu-ray"

Halle Berry, looking increasingly frazzled and gaunt.

In this supernatural drama cum women’s prison film, she goes nuts, with her overheated performance as a wrongfully imprisoned psychologist fitting in perfectly with the movie's incoherent direction and dialogue.

About the dialogue. It's so bad, it’s the one element of this clichĂ©-ridden film that gives you goosebumps--and sometimes the snorts and giggles. Indeed, when Berry’s character shrieks at one point that “I’m not deluded--I’m possessed,” you lean back in your seat and you think that yes, she must be.

The actress did, after all, make this movie after winning the Academy Award win for “Monster’s Ball."

Rated R. Grade: D.

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