Friday, March 07, 2025

Undead: Movie & DVD Review (2005)

9/02/2007 Posted by Admin

Undead again, jonesing for fresh meat

(Originally published 2005)

The undead in this low-budget horror show are relentless.

With verve, they keep hammering away at the screen, eating and clawing their way into someone else's oblivion--all thanks to a pesky little meteor shower in which aliens thumbed a ride to Earth.

If the undead in this movie weren't so physically hideous, they’d be perfect for next year’s season of "The Apprentice”; they’re that savage, that hungry, that obvious in their killer instincts.

From the Australian brother team of Michael and Peter Spierig, the film's pace lags at the start, but cult horror fans will appreciate the over-the-top gore and the two former beauty queens stewing in the subplot.

In one scene, a pair of freshly lopped legs continue to walk with spine intact, a nice touch that creates an amusing diversion. So does some of the dialogue, which is just this side of camp.

“Undead” doesn’t have the budget to be slick, so it has to rely on flashes of imagination to see it through. It does, but not without ever feeling as if it could exist without the efforts Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson, George Romero, Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg put forth before it.

Grade: B-

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