2/04/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is happy to offer a giveaway of DAMAGES: SEASON ONE, with Glenn Close in the title role.

Here's our recently published review of the show:

"Damages: First Season"

While it's true that this tense serial is yet another legal drama set in New York, don't dismiss it for that reason. Instead, embrace it because it's one of the smarter television series going, with Glenn Close obviously having the time of her life in a role to which she brings plenty. Her Patty Hewes is a ruthless, infamous litigator who, as she puts it, is "engaging in a battle with a man who will stop at nothing to preserve his fortune." That man is Ted Danson's Arthur Frobisher, a billionaire creep of the first order whose actions screwed 5,000 of his employees out of their life's savings. It's the sort of case that not only makes for big headlines, but also for big egos to take hold and lead one astray. That certainly is the case when cut-throat Patty hires Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne) to be her new associate. Like so many scenes of apparent good intention in this series, those reasons aren't necessarily what they seem. Grade: A-

We're giving away three copies each, so consider yourself in it for three chances to win!

Winning is simple.

Sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews and news, make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at BDNFilm1@aol.com, put DAMAGES in the subject heading, CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS VIA THE EMAIL SENT TO YOU (THIS IS CRITICAL), and we'll put you in the mix.

Three winners will be drawn on Tuesday, March 4, 2008, and the DVD will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

You must be a resident of the United States or Canada to win!


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