Vintage Trailer: Earthquake (1974)

2/16/2008 Posted by Admin

There's just something about a vintage movie trailer that delights me every time. Not only are they important as a slice of movie history, offering a glimpse into the culture of the time, but they also can be incredibly entertaining, especially when viewed in hindsight.

So, with that in mind, a new feature at Week in Rewind will be Vintage Trailer (look for a growing archive of them in the Categories section at the right). Each week, I'll dig up some of the more popular and obscure trailers available, and offer them up for consumption.

Just wait until you see what I've found.

Today's trailer is for the 1974 movie, "Earthquake," which boasted one of those large ensemble casts usually found tossing themselves to the rubble in the popular destruction films of the '70s: Ava Gardner, Charlton Heston, Genevieve Bujold (!!), Lorne Greene, Marjoe Gortner, Gabriel Dell, Barry Sullivan, George Kennedy (of course), Richard Roundtree and Walter Matthau. It's a disappointment not to find Shelley Winters here, but you can't have everything.

"Earthquake" is a good B-movie with some pretty excellent (for the times) special effects.

Enjoy it below:

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Christopher, what a great idea! I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve.