GIVEAWAY: The Judi Dench Collection!

5/28/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
The Judi Dench Collection!

Own it on DVD now!

Thanks to our friends at the BBC for this opportunity!

Retail value: $99.98!

Official product description:  

"Dame Judi Dench is one of the most celebrated stars of stage and screen. She is the winner of an Academy Award, two Golden Globes an unprecedented seven Olivier Awards and numerous BAFTAs. At the BBC, she has appeared in a dazzling range of material, from sitcoms to Shakespeare. This collection contains ten star-studded BBC productions spanning four decades and ranging from the Feydeau farce "Keep an Eye on Amelie" to Ibsen's "Ghosts" with Kenneth Branagh Michael Gambon, and Natasha Richardson in Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" with John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft and Ian Holm. And tucked away among the bonus features is a 1996 interview in which she sings "Send in the Clowns" from her Olivier-winning performance of "A Little Night Music."

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

Follow these few steps carefully:
  1. Read all of the directions.

  2. To win, sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews, news and DVD giveaways. We will confirm that you did.

  3. Make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at with JUDI DENCH in the subject header. Also, leave a comment in the comment section on this site for this particular giveaway.

  4. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, confirm your Email address by responding to the email sent to you. This is critical. You must respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered.
That's it!

Winners will be drawn on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 and the disc will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

Everyone worldwide is encouraged to enter, but remember, these are Region 1 discs.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Dame Dench is one of the most talented Brits ever....aside from Colin Firth of course. :-)

  2. Tes283 said...

    A class act. Soft spoken voice that carries into your soul. Wonderful actress. I have enjoyed every movie i have sen her in.

  3. chromiumman said...

    i do love judi dench

  4. windycindy said...

    What a wonderful prize. I love her presence in whatever she is in. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks. Cindi

  5. Anonymous said...

    Count me in please

  6. Anonymous said...

    Judi Dench is, I believe, one of the truly gifted actresses. My hubby and I both adore her and her movies!

  7. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  8. marleenandlouie said...

    I think that Judi Dench is one of the best actresses around today! I appreciate the opportunity to try to win!

  9. Anonymous said...

    Judi Dench is one of the all-time great actresses.

  10. agordon10 said...

    great collection

  11. Anonymous said...

    Dame Judi is awesome :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  12. idahomom said...

    Great prize. Thanks for the chance.

  13. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for hosting a great giveaway on such a talented actress.

    lisa dot craven at verizon dot net

  14. danosor said...

    Judi is a gifted actress.

  15. Lavendot said...

    An amazing actress.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me; I would love to win this for my daughter--a big fan of Judy Dench.

  17. linett said...

    she is one of the best actors aroud

  18. Anonymous said...

    oh, what a Dame !!
    would love this prize !

  19. Unknown said...

    Judi has some great parts in movies.

  20. susan1215 said...

    Please enter me

  21. Anonymous said...

    Count me in, great prize!

  22. Leslie said...

    Sounds like a wonderful collection. Thanks for the contest.

  23. Karen B said...

    Supurb giveaway - would love to win!

  24. Anonymous said...

    perfect giveaway...would really love to win this collection for my family and I to watch on movie night. Long hours of fun and amusment!!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    a pleasure to watch

  26. MewzMe2 said...

    Count me in

  27. janetfaye said...

    I enjoy watching Judi Dench movies.

  28. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for this giveaway!

  29. yadgirl said...

    I sent an email.

  30. kerri69 said...

    iloved her performance in notes on a scandal she was really weird great movie shea a great actress

  31. Anonymous said...

    Dame Judi has proved herself peerless again and again!

  32. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  33. taterbug said...

    My favorite part of Sunday evening TV viewing includes the British comedies. I would love to win this wonderful giveaway!


  34. Anonymous said...

    Please count us in.

  35. Fangirl Jen said...

    Quality shines, as does Dame Judy's acting.

  36. Dave said...

    Wonderful! Please enter me to win.

  37. hity88 said...

    Hope I win.

  38. hiann88 said...

    Hope I win.

  39. ELE said...

    OOH I would love to win this

  40. abeaudet said...

    Judi keeps getting better (if possible) As Time Goes By....

  41. Mamo-chan said...

    I love Dame Judi.

  42. pintolinda said...

    I admire Judi Dench's films and acting ability. I hope I win.

  43. theresa said...

    count me in and good luck to all

  44. Anonymous said...

    Love Dame Judi.

  45. Anonymous said...

    This reminds me of Masterpiece Theater...which I like.

  46. Anonymous said...

    Alright, I think I'm entered. Good luck to all!!

  47. judybrittle said...

    what a great giveaway. please include me.

  48. Bunny B said...

    Cool! I'd love to win this!

  49. Sue Farrell said...

    Now this is an actress that has some talent!!

  50. Anonymous said...

    Judi Dench is a classic. I would love to have this!

  51. Anonymous said...

    pick me please

  52. Ken said...

    The Judi Dench Collection DVD set
    Please accept my entry.

  53. Molly C. said...

    I hope I win!

  54. Wes said...

    Judi never disappoints! Great contest!

  55. supermax said...


  56. denyse said...

    I hope I win!

  57. Anita Yancey said...

    Would like to win! Thanks.

  58. pierce said...

    Judi Dench would be such a pleasant luxury to have. Count me in.

  59. Anonymous said...

    True talent. I love being entertained.


  60. KristenH said...

    I absolutely love Judi Dench. She is one of the best actresses of this generation. I can never get enough of watching her. That's why I would love to win The Judi Dench Collection. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  61. purplepassion126 said...

    I'm in--thanks!

  62. Anonymous said...

    I'm in.

    llm 96 at aol dot com

  63. mich0825 said...

    I love her work, she's so sassy:)

  64. Brian E. said... girlfriend is a Brit and is a big fan of Dame Judy.
    Thanks for the contest !!!

    senorpiero at yahoo dot com

  65. Anonymous said...

    One of my favorite British actresses!

    jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com

  66. Anonymous said...

    Great actress.

  67. Anonymous said...

    She is one of the finest talents in the industry. Love her work.

  68. Anonymous said...

    She's a great actress. Would love to win!

  69. Susan W said...

    Please enter me.

  70. Anonymous said...

    I Would Love To Win This DVD

  71. Annie said...

    We love her and would greatly enjoy this DVD set if we win. Thanks for the contest!

  72. rbauske said...

    What a great collection! Count me in.

  73. AICORP said...

    love Judi Dench

  74. Samantha P said...

    i love her

  75. Anonymous said...

    Judi Dench is perfect in every role she takes on, and this collection really shows off her versatility as an actress. Thanks for the contest!


  76. Anonymous said...


  77. Mary said...

    Great actress!

  78. dianerph said...

    Great giveaway!

  79. Anonymous said...

    I would like to have a copy of this DVD.

  80. Anonymous said...

    Judi Dench is such a great actress! Thank you for the great contest!