GIVEAWAY: Sophia Loren 4-Film Collection!

5/30/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Sophia Loren 4-Film Collection!

Own it on DVD June 10, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Lionsgate for this opportunity!

Official product description:

"Winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Two Women) and granted an Honorary Academy Award for "a career rich with memorable performances," Sophia Loren is one of the silver screen's biggest international sex symbols and one of the most famous Italian actresses of all time, starring in films such as It Started in Naples, El Cid, Matrimonio all'italiana, Prêt-à-Porter, Houseboat, The Black Orchid and The Fall of the Roman Empire.  Now, four of her classic movies will be made available for the first time on DVD in one unique box set, including I Girasoli, which received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score and earned Loren a David Di Donatello Award for Best Actress; and Carosello Napoletano, which garnered the International Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. The collection also includes Attila, Madame Sans-Gĕne and a special featurette created exclusively for this set.  The featurette, "Sophia Loren: La Diva Popolana," includes interviews with her sons Carlo Ponti Jr. and Edoardo Ponti as well as I Girasoli producer Arthur Cohn and Italian film experts Aine O'Healy and Marsha Kinder."

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

Follow these few steps carefully:
  1. Read all of the directions.

  2. To win, sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews, news and DVD giveaways. We will confirm that you did.

  3. Make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at with SOPHIA LOREN in the subject header. Also, leave a comment in the comment section on this site for this particular giveaway.

  4. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, confirm your Email address by responding to the email sent to you. This is critical. You must respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered.
That's it!

Winners will be drawn on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 and the disc will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

Everyone worldwide is encouraged to enter, but remember, these are Region 1 discs.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    great prize

  2. Anonymous said...

    I agree

  3. agordon10 said...

    she's hot still!

  4. marleenandlouie said...

    What an unbelievable actress! Her movies still stand up and she is amazing!

  5. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry

  6. Anonymous said...

    Can you believe I have not seen a movie of hers either. First Ms. Deneuve, now Ms. Loren. I'd love it!!

  7. idahomom said...

    Sophia Loren is a classic. Thanks for a chance.

  8. Anonymous said...

    A classic beauty!!

  9. susan1215 said...

    Please enter me

  10. HilLesha O'Nan said...

    Big fan here! :)

  11. Fangirl Jen said...

    I'll need a nice bottle of Red and some pasta for watching these films.

  12. Piero said...

    "Mama mia, che bella!!"

  13. KeirBear said...

    a wonderful, beautiful actress!

  14. kelvinh said...

    A true sex symbol!

  15. chromiumman said...


  16. windycindy said...

    Another classy lady! I would enjoy being entered in this drawing. I thank you.....Cindi

  17. Stephen Saunders said...

    sweet prize

  18. Anonymous said...

    A true film sex symbol in every sense, and she still sizzles.

  19. Anonymous said...

    There are some great movies included in this DVD. The old movies and stars are some of the best, even today.

  20. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  21. janetfaye said...

    This is a great giveaway

  22. Anonymous said...

    She's a classic :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  23. imjasonc said...

    What a nice giveaway !! Thanks !!!

  24. Michw37 said...

    please count me in

  25. danosor said...

    A true beauty,natural,funny,very sexy and great acting in her movies.

  26. Anonymous said...

    She's done so much more interesting work than we normally get to see here in the states. A true class act.

  27. Karen B said...

    WOW - love to see these again!

  28. Anonymous said...

    She ages so well!

  29. Anonymous said...


  30. forex said...

    count me in

  31. linett said...

    a true legend

  32. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Great prize!

  33. Anonymous said...

    I would absolutely love to win this and give this to my mother, who is the biggest Sophia Loren fan! Thanks for the contest!

  34. Unknown said...

    Sophia Loren is just so beautiful.

  35. Anonymous said...

    She is the greatest italian actress! Love the movies with Sophie Loren! Please enter me! And thank you!

  36. Anonymous said...

    Sophia Loren, such a beautiful woman and such a great actress. Wonderful prize! Please enter me. Thank You

  37. hity88 said...

    Hope I win.

  38. Anonymous said...


  39. Tina12312 said...

    Sophia! How great is that - thank you!

  40. soha said...

    Ah Sophia!!!! One of my mom's favorites.

  41. Anonymous said...

    Awesome! I love Sophia!
    Thanks :)

  42. Leslie said...

    She's a great actress. Would love to win. :)

  43. Bunny B said...


  44. Anonymous said...

    One of the most beautiful women in film history. So beautiful you forget she can act too!

  45. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me!!

  46. Dave said...

    I would love to win this. Please sign me up.

  47. Anonymous said...

    what a class act, I like her movies, she's great, enter me please

  48. Karen A. said...

    Always enjoyed Sophia Loren movies. Hope to win these.

  49. Linda C said...

    hubby would LOVE this!! his boyhood crush, great FD present.

  50. Anonymous said...

    I would L-O-V-E to win this! I am attempting to build a classic movie collection!

  51. abeaudet said...

    I'd love to see her films again, and also, the new feature with interviews. Thank you for offering this!

  52. Anonymous said...

    This would be a great start to a classic movie collection!

  53. pintolinda said...

    Please enter me. I always appreciated her beauty and acting ability.

  54. Ken said...

    Sophia Loren 4-Film Collection DVD set.
    Please accept my entry.

  55. Sue Farrell said...

    Sophia Loren made sooooo many fun movies.

  56. judybrittle said...

    sophia loren. shes a classic. please count me in.

  57. Molly C. said...

    I hope I win!

  58. Anonymous said...

    she is a great actress.

    shaunwallner at yahoo dot com

  59. Anonymous said...

    pick me

  60. Greenhen said...

    My husband would love this.

  61. azrosebud said...

    she's unbelievably beautiful - I'd love to win this

  62. RoyalCheryl said...

    My father would love this. Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful Dad's.

  63. Babalu said...

    Bella! Grazie!

  64. Babalu said...

    Bella! Grazie!

  65. reddon30 said...

    You don't get much sexier than her!! Thanks for the contest.

  66. denyse said...

    Great prize!

  67. Anonymous said...

    I have seen a lot of her movies and she was always good.

  68. pancak said...

    Sophia is a classic beauty and I'd love to see her work.

  69. Anonymous said...

    I'm in.

    llm 96 at aol dot com

  70. Unknown said...

    Awesome ! I'd love to own the Sophia Loren Collection !

  71. Anonymous said...

    Wouldn't mind this prize either.

  72. ELE said...


  73. mich0825 said...

    I love her ! pick me pick me

  74. Brian E. said...

    ...thanks for the contest. I love watching her old movies !!!

  75. Anonymous said...

    Another classy, beautiful lady that I haven't seen in ages! What's happened to all these talented gorgeous women?!!!

    jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot )com

  76. Anonymous said...

    I only wish I looked half as good!

  77. Anonymous said...

    She is one of Hollywood's finest and I'd love to have this collection.

  78. Susan W said...

    Please enter me

  79. Anonymous said...

    I Would Definately Love To Win This DVD

  80. KristenH said...

    I absolutely adore Sophia Loren and would love to win a collection of some of her films, especially since they are old movies and lately I have really been into watching old movies. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  81. Annie said...

    Oh man ... a little late for Father's Day, but this would be a well-loved gift!

  82. rbauske said...

    Thanks for the great contest.

  83. AICORP said...

    the ultimate sex-symbol

  84. Anonymous said...

    Sophia never get old. I would like a copy of this DVD.

  85. Unknown said...

    Still sexy after all these years!

  86. Samantha P said...


  87. Wes said...

    Sophia- one of the finest silver screen goddess'!

  88. Mary said...

    What an amazing woman/actress!

  89. yadgirl said...

    Include me, please

  90. Anonymous said...

    Bring on the popcorn! I feel a movie night coming on! Thank you for offering this prize.

  91. dianerph said...

    Great giveaway!

  92. Anonymous said...

    What a great giveaway. I love sophia

  93. Anonymous said...

    Sophia Loren was a n Italian Beauty.

  94. rdazer said...

    one of the greatest actresses ever

  95. Anonymous said...

    classic beauty, grace, elegance...todays celebs just don't match that classic style.

  96. Richard Brandt said...

    As the Italians would va va voom

  97. gordon said...

    What a beauty! And a pretty prise!