Week in Rewind: Contest Information

8/20/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer our readers the most DVD giveaways of any movie review site online. Thanks to the generosity of many studios, we offer the best array of titles anywhere.

And the good news? Winning is simple!

Follow these few steps carefully:

  1. Read all of the directions.

  2. Sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews, news and DVD giveaways. We will confirm that you did (and if you already have and are still a member, no worries).

  3. Make sure you let us know you are entering the contest by sending us an email at WeekinRewind@aol.com with THE NAME OF THE PRODUCT YOU ARE TRYING TO WIN in the subject header.

  4. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, confirm your Email address by responding to the email sent to you. This is critical. You must respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered.

  5. YOU MAY ENTER EACH CONTEST AT LEAST ONCE EACH DAY. The more times you enter, the more chances you have to win. Simple.
That's it!

Winner(s) will be drawn on the date listed in the originating entry and the product will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.

Everyone worldwide is encouraged to enter, but remember, these are Region 1 discs.


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«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 369   Newer›   Newest»
  1. marleenandlouie said...

    I really enjoy this show. I like the characters and stories much better then Greys Anatomy.

  2. chellyd said...

    I love School House Rock! We have rented the original like 50 times and now our kids know all the songs! I love this and would love to win it!

  3. azrosebud said...

    this brings back memories - thanks

  4. danosor said...

    Who wouldn't want to win an Indiana Jones dvd?

  5. Anonymous said...

    i love this show

    weblynx at hotmail dot com

  6. Unknown said...

    Love this show!

  7. Anonymous said...

    Great series. Would love to win it!

  8. Anonymous said...



  9. Anonymous said...

    I keep stopping to read the reviews! I hard a hard time finding it

  10. Anonymous said...

    I love the Week in Rewind site. They have so many great giveaways!

  11. Steve Benkin said...

    I FOUND the PS3!!! WAHOO!!!

  12. Anonymous said...

    I found the PS3 Woo-hoo!

  13. Anonymous said...

    I found the playstation too or should I say three!!

  14. Anonymous said...

    It would be wonderful to win a Playststion3.

  15. wigget said...

    can't wait to see it

  16. Anonymous said...

    Always stayed up late on Saturday nights to watch this one.

  17. Anonymous said...



  18. Anonymous said...

    I want to win it for my dad.

  19. Farfalla said...

    I love CSI. its such a great show. I would love to win, but know its a long shot.

  20. Anonymous said...

    Another day,Another chance to win a
    Playstation3. Thank you so much.

  21. Riri said...

    I found the Playstation..but I like the reviews better!

  22. Anonymous said...

    clever reviews, just trying my luck here, i've found it.
    more power! thanks , I enjoy it.i'll be back tomorrow. :0

  23. judybrittle said...

    This would be a great win. Thank you!

  24. Anonymous said...

    Enter me again please.

  25. nanja said...

    I would love to be a winner!

  26. chellyd said...

    I love Strawberry Shortcake! Myself and my 5 year-old niece watch it on TV almost everyday. She would love to have this!

  27. chellyd said...

    I love Strawberry Shortcake! Myself and my 5 year-old niece watch the show almost everyday. We would both love to win it.

  28. Tim said...

    CSI rocks, i hope i win it.

  29. Anonymous said...

    I love Super Natural, it is wonderful! found in weekinrewind@aol.com, love to recieve season 3 of Super Natural....thank you


  30. Caleb said...

    I found the PS3 but I dont think I'll compete. I really like the reviews though.

  31. Anonymous said...

    Fun contest. I found the Playstation 3. Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. wesley1955 said...

    Out here in the corn fields and soybean fields no one I know even has a PLAYSTATION 3. Heck, you aught to see how our new internet service has come along. I've never even owned a blue-ray yet, so this would be as nice as Christmas.

  33. Anonymous said...

    found the PS3 again. I like this contest. Thanks

  34. wesley1955 said...

    go playstation 3

  35. Anonymous said...

    Great giveaway. I would love to win. Thanks.

  36. nanja said...

    Love to be a winner!



  38. Anonymous said...

    I hope I win!

  39. djgroz said...

    Love WINNING!

  40. Anonymous said...


  41. Anonymous said...

    Ya gotta love this giveaway!! It is so much fun! Thanks

  42. Becky said...

    I absolutely love Tinerbell...

  43. wesley1955 said...

    I'm in for today's drawing.

  44. dentre said...


  45. dentre said...


  46. Anonymous said...

    Thanks again!!

  47. Anonymous said...

    Thank You

  48. stowelljg said...


  49. Anonymous said...

    Great reviews. Email on its way. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com

  50. wesley1955 said...

    thanks for the opportunity.

  51. wesley1955 said...

    I'M ALL IN. You are thee reviewer.

  52. Anonymous said...

    Found it by accident! How fun.

  53. pintolinda said...

    Thank you for the giveaway. I love travel and writers.

  54. Anonymous said...

    Great Contest

  55. Deb Anderson said...

    I'd love to win this for my mom - she absolutely LOVES this show!!

  56. Peggy said...

    Look great ,count me in

  57. Anonymous said...

    Thank You

  58. Anonymous said...

    new to this sits and I love the reviews

  59. Anonymous said...


  60. Anonymous said...

    An Ipod touch giveaway? Count me in.

  61. Anonymous said...

    One more day in.

  62. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. luckyme said...

    this would be an interesting set to own.

  64. Anonymous said...

    Trick or Ipod Touch!! Happy H-Day

  65. Anonymous said...

    Happy Halloween!!

  66. Anonymous said...

    My entry for today. Have a great weekend all!

  67. Anonymous said...

    New location-another entry-Thanks

  68. Anonymous said...

    My son would definitly enjoy this-Thank You

  69. Anonymous said...

    please enter me love your giveaways thank you

  70. Anonymous said...

    One more entry-Thank You

  71. Anonymous said...

    Thank You

  72. WHOOPLA said...

    My husband would like this.

  73. Icetwofire said...

    Thanks for the contest

  74. Anonymous said...

    Would love to win

  75. Anonymous said...

    Thank You

  76. Anonymous said...

    Great contest

  77. wesley1955 said...

    So many actors ACT instead of performing with natural and learned qualities discovered within themselves. Why do they and the directors and producers push so hard to put on a fake show? Does anyone think that Bogie was merely acting? Didn't some of our directors live during the 50's and 60's and some earlier than that and don't they remember what it was really like or do they merely cliche what exaggerations and hyped ideas that make money?

  78. Anonymous said...


  79. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the contest.

  80. wesley1955 said...

    I still prefer most movies from 1930 to 1960 over most movies from 1961 to 2008. There will always be exceptions.

  81. Anonymous said...

    I love the contest.

  82. Anonymous said...

    My entry for friday. CHRIS you aew so lucky to be able to buy a PS3. Those pics were great and I hope to be able to send one to you someday when I win it!!!!brushes106@gmail.com

  83. stowelljg said...

    Back again; great reviews!

  84. barbara said...

    Sigh... searching takes SO much longer when I end up reading the reviews :-)

  85. stowelljg said...

    Once again I found the link.

  86. Carolyn said...

    My aunt and I used to watch these reruns when I came home from school. She's gone now, bless her soul, but I still remember this!

  87. barbara said...

    I love reading the reviews!

  88. stowelljg said...

    Hmmm, it doesn't look like too many people comment here. Don't they read the directions? Oh well, better for me!

  89. wesley1955 said...

    Another day, another try. Thank you!

  90. Gedaly said...

    Pick me!

  91. wesley1955 said...

    Here I am again, Christopher.

  92. Anonymous said...

    Wow. This great!! S6 is one of my favourite seasons!!

  93. stowelljg said...

    I hope I win the iPod Touch! Thanks Christopher.

  94. pintolinda said...

    I like this series a lot. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  95. stowelljg said...

    Back again! See you tomorrow.

  96. Anonymous said...

    Back again for a chance to win Beverly Hills, 90210 :)!!

  97. stowelljg said...

    As General MacArthur said: "I have returned."

  98. Anonymous said...

    WOW! This 90210 contest is so EXCITING!!

  99. wesley1955 said...

    "In it to win it."

  100. Anonymous said...

    Once again here to win 90210!! :)

  101. stowelljg said...

    Oooo, nice! But where's the smiling face that's behind it?

  102. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another try.

  103. Anonymous said...

    In it to win 90210!!!!

  104. wesley1955 said...

    In it to win it.

  105. stowelljg said...

    Back again; trying for the iPod Touch! One month to go!!!

  106. Anonymous said...

    I really hope I can win 90210!!

  107. Contester said...

    I want to win that great prize.

  108. stowelljg said...

    Here again.

  109. Anonymous said...

    I love 90210!!

  110. stowelljg said...

    Great site! The reviews are spot on.

  111. Anonymous said...

    Wow.. Your reviews are amazing!

  112. Anonymous said...

    Wow.. Your reviews are amazing!

  113. stowelljg said...

    Back again at this great site.

  114. Anonymous said...

    Back again!! I am so EXCITED for the 90210 contest!

  115. Anonymous said...

    Back once again!!

  116. stowelljg said...

    Hi ho! Looking forward to Thanksgiving Day to spend time with family and friends.

  117. Anonymous said...

    I love your reviews:)

  118. Steve D said...

    Back with my daily entry.

  119. stowelljg said...

    Another note to get a vote.

  120. Anonymous said...

    Back again for my vote:)

  121. stowelljg said...

    I hope everyone had a filling Thanksgiving Day!

  122. Anonymous said...

    Eeek!! Back again!!! Love 90210 :)

  123. Anonymous said...

    Once again back ;)

  124. Anonymous said...

    Back again for 90210=]

  125. Anonymous said...

    I used to watch this show after school. lol it still comes on tv, reruns.
    I can't remeber the guys name, but he was so funny. I loved how he was always following tia and tamara

  126. Anonymous said...

    Love 90210!

  127. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another try.

  128. Anonymous said...

    Another chance to win 90210!

  129. toughturtles said...

    fun for the kids thanks

  130. Anonymous said...

    Love 90210!!!!!!!!

  131. Anonymous said...

    Here for another chance to win 90210!!

  132. ktouton said...

    there seems to be a pattern for the 6 movies. i won't tell what the pattern is.

  133. ktouton said...

    for the ipod touch there is a pattern in the movies selected. more than just the letter. good luck figuring it all out.

  134. ktouton said...

    there is the same pattern for the playstation 3 as for the ipod touch. could make it easier if you know the pattern.

  135. Anonymous said...

    Close to a chance of winning 90210=]

  136. yadgirl said...

    Include me, please

  137. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win this...thanks for the great giveaway

  138. Anonymous said...

    I love 90210=]

  139. Anonymous said...

    I hope I'm able to win 902101

  140. Anonymous said...

    Again entering for a chance to win 90210:)

  141. Anonymous said...

    My husband would really enjoy this.

  142. seaman93555 said...

    I really hope I win this one - this is one of my favorite movies - The Atomic Cafe rocks!

  143. Anonymous said...

    Entering again. SageFlowerBloom@yahoo.com

  144. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for a chance to win 90210:)

  145. Unknown said...

    What a great contest, thanks for the chance :)

  146. Unknown said...

    I love this show and would love to win this contest :) Thanks for the chance :)

  147. Anonymous said...

    IN it to win 90210=]

  148. kcoliva said...

    Please enter me again!

  149. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  150. Anonymous said...

    Entering for a chance to win 90210

  151. Anonymous said...

    In it to win 90210!

  152. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  153. Terri said...

    Would love to see it.Thanks!

  154. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  155. Anonymous said...

    Once again entering for 90210

  156. Anonymous said...

    Hoping to win 90210

  157. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for a chance to win Beverly Hills, 90210!

  158. Anonymous said...

    Hoping to win 90210 S6 :)

  159. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  160. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  161. Unknown said...

    I'd love to win!

  162. Anonymous said...

    In to win 90210 S6

  163. Anonymous said...

    Entering again for 90210

  164. Anonymous said...

    Again hoping I can win
    90210 S6 :)

  165. Chris_60 said...

    I would still would love to win this!

  166. Anonymous said...

    great site, great contest

  167. rkont01 said...


  168. rkont01 said...

    another great contest!

  169. Anonymous said...

    Keep the great contest coming. I love them this is a great site.

  170. alienangel said...

    would love to win this movie dvd

  171. Anonymous said...

    I'm so thankful to the fact you provide greloads of options for contests!

  172. Riri said...

    Your mailbox is full. What do I do? I am trying to win the Wii.

  173. Samantha P said...

    i'd still love this!

  174. Tes283 said...

    This sounds so great. I am really looking forward to winning this and many more.

  175. Teresa said...

    Awesome! I'm in it to win it! Thanks!

  176. Anonymous said...

    trying to win that wii

  177. rkont01 said...

    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  178. rkont01 said...

    I could use a phone!! :-)

  179. Anonymous said...

    In it for 90210 :)

  180. K Wray said...

    I think this is a great contest, thanks for the opportunity to win!

  181. rkont01 said...


  182. stacey dempsey said...


  183. karen510 said...

    would love to win this for the grandkids

  184. Anonymous said...

    entering trying soo hard

  185. Anonymous said...

    Entering for the last time to win a copy of 90210 S6:)=]

  186. rkont01 said...

    Please enter me in this contest!

  187. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  188. WHITEDEER43 said...

    This looks like it will be a good movie.

  189. rkont01 said...


  190. rkont01 said...


  191. wooby3 said...

    Back to enter again!

  192. rkont01 said...

    Back for another try!

  193. Anonymous said...

    Hope everyone is having a good Saturday night. I found the iPod Touch! shhhhh.....

  194. rkont01 said...


  195. wooby3 said...

    I neeeeeed that ipod touch!!!!!

  196. rkont01 said...

    Gotta win that phone!

  197. rkont01 said...

    Gotta win that Wii too!

  198. Unknown said...

    i would love a ipod

  199. Steve D said...

    I would Love to win this.

  200. rkont01 said...

    back for another try!!

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