GIVEAWAY: Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow Blu-ray!

8/13/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow Blu-ray!

Own it on DVD September 2, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Lionsgate
for this opportunity!


Buy it here!

You must have a high-definition Blu-ray player to view this product!

Official product description:

"Whenever the forces of evil threatened mankind, Earth's mightiest heroes the Avengers were there to stop them - until they made the ultimate sacrifice in their final fight with the indestructible robot, Ultron. But all was not lost for Tony Stark (Iron Man) kept the children of the Avengers safe and raised them to become the teenage heroes of tomorrow. Now James (Son of Captain America and Black Widow), Torunn (Daughter of Thor), Azari (Son of the Black Panther), and Pym (Son of Wasp and Giant Man) must finish the fight their parents started. Soon the arrow-slinging son of Hawkeye will join their ranks but it will take more than five teens to destroy the machine that defeated their parents. If these young heroes have any hope of winning they must find the missing Hulk and come together as...the Next Avengers!"

We are giving away THREE copies, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on October 14, 2008.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Unknown said...

    I want to win!

  2. reddon30 said...

    My kids would love this...Thanks for the contest.

  3. chromiumman said...

    love the original avengers

  4. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  5. Stephen Saunders said...

    i want it!

  6. Carol EL said...

    I would love to win.

  7. agordon10 said...


  8. Anonymous said...

    The children would enjoy this.

  9. David Johnson said...


  10. Kristyn said...

    This would be awesome, thanks.

  11. danosor said...

    Another great movie as a prize.They just keep coming.I hope i win soon.

  12. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  13. imjasonc said...

    Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Nice prize.

  15. Nikki said...

    My daughter would love this!

  16. Andee said...

    This would be a great win!

  17. susan1215 said...

    Please enter me

  18. Erica C. said...


  19. mverno said...

    great prize

  20. kdj617 said...

    thank you

  21. toughturtles said...

    animated prequil looks good

  22. sabb266 said...

    Please enter me

  23. Ken said...

    Please accept my entry.

  24. windycindy said...

    Hi, Please enter me in your Avengers Heroes DVD giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  25. Anonymous said...

    More comic book heroes. Keep them coming!!

  26. Anonymous said...


  27. Karen B said...

    Grandsons would get this!

  28. Anonymous said...

    Would love to win this!!!!!

  29. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this on DVD :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  30. sb02127 said...

    pick my name

  31. Anna said...

    enter me to win

  32. Christina said...

    Looks like something that my boys would love and I would love to win it for them!

  33. linett said...

    another great one for the kids

  34. kazul said...

    Thanks for the chance!

  35. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for another great contest. Good luck to all!

  36. Anonymous said...

    Looks like fun. Hope I win it!

  37. rbauske said...

    Looks good, thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Dave said...

    Very cool! Please enter me to win.

  39. Anonymous said...

    i have to win for grand-children

  40. anna t. said...

    Hope I win.

  41. richard t. said...

    Hope I win.

  42. ELE said...


  43. LeoTLion said...

    wtf?! seriously....

    I am entirely too curious not to win now

  44. RodsAngel said...

    hope i win

  45. bkwrms said...

    I love watching these with my nephews!

  46. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me, Thanks

  47. Gina said...

    Count me in!

  48. AmentsChick said...

    Awesome giveaway!! I hope to win!!

  49. Anonymous said...

    i want to win

  50. Unknown said...

    Great prize!

  51. ~BlkCat~ said...

    I would love to win this. My kids would love it.

  52. Anonymous said...



  53. spetrey said...

    Thanks so much for the chance to win such a great gift

  54. Ally said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  55. remajac said...

    i want to win

  56. wigget said...

    will be a hit with my boys

  57. Wes said...

    We love comics- we love cartoons- and we love Blu-ray!

  58. denyse said...

    Pick me!

  59. Ken said...

    I love Super Hero cartoons. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  60. Anonymous said...

    My sons would flip for this. THanks

  61. Michw37 said...

    please count me in...thanks

  62. JROCK11 said...

    Please count me in!

  63. john1948 said...

    Would like to watch with Grandkids

  64. Robin T said...

    I love to win this DVD for my son

  65. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thank you.

  66. yadgirl said...

    Count me in

  67. Anonymous said...

    SUPER VIDEO! Thanks for the giveaway!

  68. ms-texas said...

    another one my nephew would love!

  69. Anonymous said...

    One for the little ones, thanks.

  70. sillelin said...

    Sounds great

  71. Anonymous said...

    I have been a comic book fan for decades. My family members will also enjoy the cartoon based upon Marvel Comic's "The Avengers." Thank you for this great opportunity to win the latest animated movie.

  72. purplepassion126 said...

    Please enter me--thanks!

  73. Candie L said...

    THis would make a great Christmas present for the boys

  74. Anonymous said...

    Looks like a great movie for the kids!!


  75. Christal said...

    sign me up!

  76. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  77. JOYVEN said...


  78. LMcLendon said...

    count me in.

  79. azrosebud said...

    please enter me in the fray

  80. Icetwofire said...

    What a great giveaway, thanks.

  81. Samantha P said...

    hope i win!

  82. Sahm Lee said...

    I would love win this!

  83. Anonymous said...

    This is one for the Grand-kids.

  84. Peggy said...

    Cont me in

  85. myz said...

    enter me please

  86. Terri Dell said...

    Perfect for my nephew

  87. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. This would make a great addition to my DVD collection. YES! I'm a movie junkie!!! My husband says the first step is admitting I have a problem! LOL


    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan

  88. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for this contest! This would be great for the whole family to watch together :)


  89. Anonymous said...

    I want to win!

  90. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in! Thank you!!

  91. rdazer said...

    another good one for my sons