Oh, Look--A New Fast and Furious Movie...

8/25/2008 Posted by Admin

When the first "The Fast and the Furious" hit theaters, I remember it well. Its target audience of teens couldn't get out of the theater fast enough. On the streets, they speeded off in their rods and terrorized plenty. But before that, there was so much testosterone in the theater as the movie played out, young men--even the boys in attendance, and some of the women--left sporting full beards.

And here we have it, a new film, once again with the original cast. Because, you know, work is tough to get these days, especially when you haven't had a hit in a while.

So, it's back to the franchise for Vin Diesel and Paul Walker in "Fast & Furious." Look for it to open wide on June 5, 2009--a good date, really, which suggests that its studio is hoping for a hit. We'll see.

In the meantime, the trailer is below. Enjoy.

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