What Giveaways Would You Like to See?

8/18/2008 Posted by Admin

Giveaways are big at Week in Rewind--thanks to some pretty generous studios, we give away a lot of product. More than anyone else out there.

So, here's a new weekly feature: "What giveaways would you like to see?"

Your choices are above. They include some pretty amazing offerings: "The Sopranos: The Complete Series," which is a $399 value and which is being released on Nov. 11, 2008; Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2-Disc Edition; and "The Godfather Collection: The Coppola Restoration--Blu-ray." That last one goes for $124.99 and it includes every "Godfather" film, all in high-definition.

Let me know which one you'd like to see featured as a giveaway and--poof!--it will become a giveaway. To do so, just leave a comment to this post. Otherwise, how will I know what you want?

As with all giveaways, the only way to partake is by being a member of the site. To do so, you need to sign up to the RSS Feed or be subscribed to the email list. You can do that below. If you're already a member, excellent--just leave a comment and let me know what you'd like.

I'll decide in a few weeks which to choose. Actually, you'll decide--it will be the most popular choice. You'll find the results here, so stay tuned...

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  1. Anonymous said...


  2. Anonymous said...

    Definitely Godfather.

  3. Wes said...

    Great choices- but the Godfather is the ultimate prize! Thanks for the contests.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Noooooo! Sopranos!

  5. Tes283 said...

    The Sopranos: The Complete Series

    All of the Sopranos and not piece by piece is a great giveaway.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Obviously, the Sopranos. What a great idea. Thanks, Christopher!

  7. Anonymous said...


  8. Anonymous said...

    Godfather, please.

  9. Anonymous said...

    I think Indiana Jones would be great. I'd like to have a chance to win that.

  10. Anonymous said...


  11. Anonymous said...

    Indy for me

  12. Anonymous said...

    Please let it be the Godfather series!!!

  13. Ken said...

    "The Sopranos: The Complete Series" so I can finally find out what all the hoopla is about.

  14. dbadour said...

    The Godfather Collection

  15. Brn2lisn said...

    I would say "The Sopranos: The Complete Series"...

  16. marleenandlouie said...

    Absolutely, the Sopranos! A lot of us don't have the pay channels and haven't seen the entire series, just an episode here and there on A&E but a bleeped version.

  17. Anonymous said...

    Not Blu-Ray. That won't play on my machine...:(

  18. Tracey said...

    without a doubt..The Sopranos: The Complete Series.. The other ones would be great giveaway's also but come on, its the sopranos!

  19. Anonymous said...

    the Sopranos. What a great idea. Thank you.

  20. Unknown said...

    Iron man

  21. Anonymous said...


  22. Anonymous said...


  23. Anonymous said...

    The Sopranos, please

  24. Anonymous said...


  25. Anonymous said...

    Wow, Sopranos, for sure.

  26. Anonymous said...

    The Godfather

  27. Anonymous said...

    Has to be Indy.

  28. Anonymous said...

    I'm an extreme film fanatic, so therefore I would choose The Godfather, or since I didn't get HBO, The Sopranos: The Complete Series would be a fantastic way to introducing myself to very acclaimed TV series.

  29. judybrittle said...

    I have to say the Sopranos The Complete Series. The Godfather is in the wrong format. Can't watch blu-ray

  30. Anonymous said...

    The Sopranos: The Complete Series is a great giveaway!

  31. Anonymous said...

    Indy, Indy, Indy!

  32. aliandrod said...

    Indiana Jones!

  33. Unknown said...

    I grew up watching the Godfather movies, by far the best movies ever made.

  34. Anonymous said...

    I want all of them!
    But I'd be happiest with Indy.

  35. Anonymous said...

    Given its HEFTY price tag (and content, of course) The Sopranos - The Complete Series would be the best giveaway.

  36. Anonymous said...

    I really, really, really hope it's the Godfather. Sorry, but the Sopranos doesn't compare.

  37. Anonymous said...

    Indiana Jones

  38. Anonymous said...

    Godfather, please

  39. Anonymous said...

    Godfather, for sure!

  40. Anonymous said...

    indy for me

  41. Anonymous said...

    The Sopranos

  42. Anonymous said...

    I'd be happy to win any of the choices! But if I had my druthers - it'd be Godfather.......naw....it'd be The SOPRANO'S.........no.......it'd be the Indiana Jones Collection! I want it all! And I want it NOW!

  43. Anonymous said...

    oh please. no contest. The Godfather!!!

  44. Finn said...

    oh man. tough choice.....my dad would kill me but i'd prefer tony soprano and the gang.

  45. Bunny B said...
