FIRST LOOK IS FOR FREE: Michael Moore's "Slacker Uprising"

9/05/2008 Posted by Admin

On September 23, 2008, fans of Michael Moore might want to boot up their computers and log on to BlipTV, where the writer-director's new film, Slacker Uprising, will be made available for a free download.  Yes, free.  After three weeks, the movie will be available for purchase, but this seems to me beyond the whole idea of the film, which is geared toward slackers.  And there's no slacker out there who is going to get off the couch and purchase a film when they can just hit a button, sink back into their recliners and let 'er rip.

Why is Moore doing this?  Marketing, pure and simple.  The film cost around $2 million to make, and while he does note that he's "doing it for his fans" in hopes of getting out the youth vote, this certainly is a clever way to draw attention to your film. 

So, good on Moore.  I personally can't wait to see it.

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