GIVEAWAY: Star Trek Alternative Realities Collective

9/11/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Star Trek: Alternative Realities Collective!

Own it on DVD September 16, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Paramount Home Entertainment
for this opportunity!


Official product description:

"Available for the first time on DVD is a collection featuring the bizarre and strange of episodes of Star Trek! See your favorite characters behaving contrary to type in familiar but odd circumstances in Star Trek: Alternate Realities, a 5-disc fan-collective that includes 20 episodes selected from all five Star Trek television series plus exclusive special features."
We are giving away FIVE copies, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on October 28, 2008.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Make me a Borg, let me be part of this collective!!

  2. linett said...

    love the Star Trek series

  3. mverno said...

    highly unlikely

  4. Steve Benkin said...

    i will win. resistance is futile.

  5. danosor said...

    Great series.

  6. susan1215 said...

    Please enter me

  7. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this on DVD :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  8. KeirBear said...

    i'm a huge Trekkie...i'd love to win!

  9. saxoman said...

    Please count me in!

  10. reddon30 said...

    Great contest...Thank you!!

  11. Ken said...

    Luv all the Star Trek series. Please accept my entry.

  12. Stephen Saunders said...

    please enter me too.

  13. taterbug said...

    We're huge fans in this house - would love to win this one!


  14. marleenandlouie said...

    My daughter and son-in=law love Star Trek. I sure would love to win this for them.

  15. Unknown said...

    I want to win!

  16. agordon10 said...

    i love the spock beard

  17. imjasonc said...

    Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

  18. sb02127 said...

    i can personally relate to alternate realities.

  19. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  20. redron said...

    want to win this

  21. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  22. denyse said...

    Count me in!

  23. chromiumman said...

    love me the star trek

  24. sabb266 said...

    Please enter me

  25. toughturtles said...

    a greatest hits thanks

  26. windycindy said...

    This has my husband and my names all over it! Cindi

  27. David Johnson said...


  28. bkwrms said...

    Huge Star Trek fan

  29. Anonymous said...

    Big Star Trek fan here!!


  30. Anonymous said...

    I am a 57 year old Trekkie I have been one sense the first episode thank you for the chance to win this ,

  31. pintolinda said...

    I love Star Trek. Please enter me.
    pintolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  32. kdj617 said...

    thank you

  33. kazul said...

    I would love to see which episodes are on this!

  34. Greenhen said...

    I am another trekkie. Love the series since it first started

  35. Andee said...

    Trekkies ROCK!

  36. judybrittle said...

    My husband would love this. Please count me in!

  37. Anonymous said...

    Star Trek is the best. I will forever love Capt. Kirk!

    vgsaxon at yahoo dot com

  38. Anonymous said...

    Would love to own this one

  39. Dave said...

    Awesome! Yes, I'm a Trekkie... I mean... Trekker. Please enter me to win.

  40. Anna said...

    My brother would love this!

  41. stowelljg said...

    Why not?

  42. RodsAngel said...

    hope I win

  43. Anonymous said...

    Looks interesting. Hope I win it!

  44. Anonymous said...

    I just love Star Trek and would love to win this DVD

  45. eluckstead said...

    This brings back memories! I'd love to see it again!

  46. Gina said...

    Enter me please!

  47. abeaudet said...

    I would love the alternative reality of watching this at will!

  48. Anonymous said...

    Beam me up, Scottie!

  49. Anonymous said...

    One of my favorite shows! Count me in!

  50. Q.Rock639 said...

    live long an prosper!

  51. Virgie said...

    Love to win this for my husband.

  52. Unknown said...

    This is would fantastic to win.

  53. dwhogan said...

    good luck to all

  54. Ally said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  55. Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

    Thank you so much for always offering the most awesome giveaways on the net !

  56. Wes said...

    Sci-Fi Excellence! GREAT contest- thanks!

  57. Anonymous said...

    Life long Trek fan. I am watching "A Taste Of Armaggedon" as I'm filling out this entry.

  58. GregS said...

    Excellent collection! May I have one, please?

  59. hotcha12 said...



  60. Anonymous said...

    Would love to win this!!!

  61. ~BlkCat~ said...

    Great series. I love it.

  62. wigget said...

    my husband will love this!

  63. john1948 said...

    Would like to win for Grandson

  64. Reyn said...

    Count me in.

  65. Anonymous said...

    I Would Love To Win Star Trek On DVD

  66. Anonymous said...

    Cool collection idea. Love to win it.

  67. Anonymous said...

    This is a great video!

  68. dawafo256 said...

    i want to win this!

  69. Anonymous said...

    Captain Kirk is my favorite

  70. Leslie said...

    Would love this.

  71. sillelin said...

    Star Trek is a great show - all of them, especially Voyager.

  72. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. I've joined your newsletter and am sending my email to confirm my entry. Thanks.

  73. Chris said...

    I wanna see it

  74. Anonymous said...

    I want Star Trek: Alternative Realities Collective !!!


  75. Anonymous said...

    My huband watches reruns of Star Trek. He LOVES the series.
    beausdorei at gmail dot com

  76. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in! Thank you!!

  77. Unknown said...

    old school Trekie,

  78. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. This would make a great addition to my DVD collection.

    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan

  79. AICORP said...

    Star Trek was a great series that has surprisingly stood the test of time.

  80. purplepassion126 said...

    Please enter me--thanks!

  81. Christal said...

    would love to win!

  82. Anonymous said...

    i'd love this!

  83. KristenH said...

    I love Star Trek and so does my dad. I would love to win this DVD as I would really enjoy it as would my dad. Plus, it would make a great Christmas gift for him. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  84. rdazer said...

    me me star college star trek on the tv was a fixture

  85. Unknown said...

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  86. djgroz said...

    Love StarTrek

  87. Mary said...

    Would make great gift for my son

  88. Betty C said...

    Star Trek fans here.

  89. Anonymous said...

    Trekkies abound in our family and Alternative Realities is right up our alley!!! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

  90. Robin T said...

    I love all the versions of this show, I hope I win!!!!!!!!

  91. Unknown said...

    thanks for the opp!

  92. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  93. Deb Anderson said...

    This would be so cool!!