GIVEAWAY: Ugly Betty: Complete Second Season!

9/04/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Ugly Betty: Complete Second Season!

Own it on DVD September 9, 2008!

Thanks to our friends at Buena Vista Home Entertainment
for this opportunity!


Official product description:

"Betty Suarez is smart, sweet and hard working. They only problem is that she's not thin and beautiful like all her co-workers at Mode, the high-fashion magazine where she works. The only reason the publisher hired her to be his son's secretary is that he thought Betty was someone who Daniel would never sleep with. Betty's hard work and determination earns Daniel's respect as she helps him find his way through the shark-infested waters of the fashion industry."

View two clips below:

We are giving away ONE copy, and winning is easy.

The contest will end on October 28, 2008.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    I love this show! America is hilarious, well everyone is ! I wonder how they all will do changing from NYC to LA?

  2. Anonymous said...

    Here is a show that proves beauty is only skin deep.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  4. Brn2lisn said...

    Great show ,.. please enter me.

  5. agordon10 said...

    my wife loves this show

  6. Zippy said...

    I'm embarassed to say that I've never watched Ugly Betty. I'd love to win, so I can see what it's all about.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Oh...I want it, I want it, I WANT IT!!!!

    I love Ugly Betty and watch it religiously...please count me in for this giveaway!!!

  8. chromiumman said...

    i'm not a watcher of this. would love to win and see what i'm missing.

  9. huggr1960 said...

    One of the best new shows Ive seen in awhile.

  10. Ken said...

    Ugly Betty is a beautiful show. Please accept my entry.

  11. mverno said...

    love her ugliness

  12. KeirBear said...

    love this show! hope i win!

  13. Anonymous said...

    I think that this is one of the best shows on TV. It's very funny, sharp, also ingenious, and definitely addictive. It actually teaches you a lesson in humanity: You shouldn't really cast a person aside immediately, just because of how they look, because later down the road, that person will really surprise you in ways you couldn't even imagine.

  14. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this on DVD :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  15. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win ;)

  16. imjasonc said...

    Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!

  17. redron said...

    want to win this

  18. Karen B said...

    WOW - enter me please.

  19. Madam Pince said...

    Ugly Betty is my favorite show -- America Ferrera rocks! Please pick me so this can join my season 1 DVD set!

  20. sb02127 said...

    enter me too.

  21. linett said...

    fantastic show

  22. kazul said...

    Great show!

  23. windycindy said...

    Cute show. Please enter me in your contest drawing. Thanks, Cindi

  24. Roxy said...

    i love this show!

  25. judybrittle said...

    I adore this show. Please enter me. Thank you!

  26. Erica C. said...

    great show!

  27. susan1215 said...

    great show

  28. richard t. said...

    Hope I win.

  29. anna t. said...

    Hope I win.

  30. Anna said...

    I'd love to win

  31. David Johnson said...


  32. littlelatina said...

    One of my top five favorite shows!

  33. Anonymous said...

    Love this show!

  34. Anonymous said...

    Funny show!


  35. pintolinda said...

    This is such a funny series. The young lady that plays Betty is really quite attractive in real life.
    pintolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  36. Anonymous said...

    Looking good! Count me in!

  37. Anonymous said...

    My wife watches this show religiously.

  38. Amy G. said...

    I love this show and would love to win it on DVD.

  39. judybrittle said...

    This is one of the best shows on tv. Please enter me. Thank you so much!

  40. Dave said...

    Wonderful show! Please enter me to win.

  41. bkwrms said...

    Very funny!

  42. Anonymous said...

    Have seen some shows of this series, seem pretty funny.

  43. Anonymous said...

    Please, please, please, I really love this TV show. It's one of my favorites all-time. I saw you're giving away only 1 copy, but I strongly hope I'm the lucky one :)

  44. kdj617 said...

    thank you

  45. Anonymous said...

    I have the first season of Ugly Betty and it would be great to win the second season. Please enter me

  46. catlady13711 said...

    i love Ugly Betty!! I hope I win!

  47. Gina said...

    Enter me please!

  48. Anonymous said...

    Love the first season but missed a lot of the second. would love to catch up.

  49. ms-texas said...

    I would just love to win this - I love this show!


  50. tsunamiwind said...


  51. Anonymous said...

    Haven't watched the second season, but I loved the first season! I guess it was just one of those I forgot about last season. I'd love to catch up with this DVD, as I plan on watching season 2 when it premieres!

  52. Anonymous said...

    Oh...count me in; between Greys anatomy and ugly betty...thursdays are always consumed with couch sitting for about 2 hours :) I love this show!!!

  53. Anonymous said...

    please enter me

  54. Unknown said...

    I love this show!

  55. dwhogan said...

    good luck to all

  56. Ally said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  57. Anonymous said...

    Love this show!

  58. Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

    Thank you so much for always offering the most awesome giveaways on the net !

  59. Wes said...

    I have heard this is a fun show!

  60. WHOOPLA said...

    This is one of my must see tv shows.

  61. Anonymous said...

    Out of all the giveaways you have on this website, excepting the Playstation, this DVD I would love most to win. I am a BIG fan of this TV show and it'd be amazing to have the original DVD boxset.
    So I'm begging you or your automated system, whoever is selecting the winners, please pick me for this. PLEEEEEASE !!! I'm desperate to have it :)

  62. ~BlkCat~ said...

    Love this show!!

  63. wigget said...

    awesome show

  64. denyse said...

    I hope I win1

  65. Anonymous said...

    great show

    weblynx at

  66. Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

    Enter me in this one, please! Thanks!

  67. Anonymous said...

    Just love it

  68. Molly C. said...

    Would love to win this!

  69. Anonymous said...

    This is a great video!

  70. Melinda said...

    This show is great!

  71. KristenH said...

    I love Ugly Betty so much. I can totally relate to the character. I would love to win this DVD so I can watch episodes of the show whenever I want. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  72. Candie L said...

    I have not been able to watch this show. It conflicts with other shows and the spouse has control over the remote

  73. sillelin said...

    Funny show!

  74. Sheila said...

    Ugly Betty is one of the best shows on TV right now !

  75. Anonymous said...

    How cool would it be if I win this...

  76. Suz said...

    This show is great!

  77. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. I've joined your newsletter and am sending my email to confirm my entry. Thanks.

  78. Anonymous said...

    Please accept my entry. Thanks :)

  79. Unknown said...

    They're changing to LA?

  80. purplepassion126 said...

    America Ferrera is great as Ugly Betty. I remember watching the novela in Spanish--it's great to see the American adapation.

  81. Chris said...

    so funny

  82. Anonymous said...

    One of the last chances to make this DVD mine. I want it, I want it, I want it. A lot :D

  83. Kt said...

    i love the show but always miss it! i could watch the dvds in my own time! thanks!

  84. Anonymous said...

    Count me in for this giveaway.

  85. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in! Thank you!!

  86. AICORP said...

    love this show

  87. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. This would make a great addition to my DVD collection.

    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan

  88. Christal said...

    Would love to win!

  89. robt6 said...

    Great prize, enter me please.

  90. Anonymous said...

    i'd love this!

  91. amwhiteh said...

    i only recently discovered ugly betty, but i'm such a fan!

  92. rdazer said...

    very good show...worthy of the rewards its received

  93. Unknown said...

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  94. djgroz said...

    Great Show

  95. Anonymous said...


  96. Anonymous said...

    excellent, ugly betty is a great show.

    stupitest [at]

  97. guettel78 said...

    One of my favorite shows! Alternately hilarious and touching, it really expresses the themes of self-acceptance and individuality geniusly. Thanks for the chance to win the second season on DVD!

  98. TINKMH said...

    This is one of the best shows on ABC!

  99. Anonymous said...

    This is such a well-done show!

  100. Anonymous said...

    Ugly Betty really teaches us not to judge a book by its cover! Super series!!! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  101. Deb Anderson said...

    I'd love to win this. Then I could catch up on the episodes I missed!

  102. Peggy said...

    Fun show ,count me in

  103. Charlene Kuser said...

    This show is fantastic,would love to win it.Thanks for the chance

  104. Anonymous said...

    I love this show!

  105. Anonymous said...

    This is a good show. Please enter me.