Link Love

9/10/2008 Posted by Admin

The Guardian has a fun retrospective of the Tarzans we have known.

Lisa Marks has a terrific blog entry about Diablo Cody--and writers.

Variety's Anne Thompson is blogging the hell out of the Toronto Film Festival.  A must read, especially her Pride and Glory piece.

Anne's colleague, Michael Jones, has another view of life at the Toronto Film Festival--what's selling there.  Check it out.

Peter Sciretta has a fine interview with director Darren Aronofsky over at Slashfilm.

Don't miss the Fall Movie Season special over at the New York Times.  Just as good as you'd expect.

Are you reading Jeffrey Well's blog, Hollywood Elsewhere?  You should be.  He updates it constantly and is one of the ways I start my day.

Finally, on last good read is Amy Taubin's piece on "Che" in Film Comment.

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