Okay, so it doesn't look so bad.

9/30/2008 Posted by Admin

The long-delayed, much-maligned new Tom Cruise movie, Valkyrie, that is.  You just know they've cut and recut the hell out of this thing, but whatever works to make it work, I say.  Tommy boy needs a hit--he can't depends on Xenu or his performance in Tropic Thunder to save his career.

He needs....to take on the Nazis!  (Click on the poser to supersize it.)

The official synopsis:  "Tom Cruise heads an international cast as Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, the aristocratic German officer who led the heroic attempt to bring down the Nazi regime and end the war by planting a bomb in Hitler's bunker. The "July 20 Plot" on Hitler's life is one of the most heroic but least known episodes of World War Two. Severely wounded in combat, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg returns from Africa to join the German Resistance and help create Operation Valkyrie, the complex plan that will allow a shadow government to replace Hitler's once he is dead. But fate and circumstance conspire to thrust Stauffenberg from one of many in the plot to a double-edged central role. Not only must he lead the coup and seize control of his nation's government... He must kill Hitler himself."

Below is the shiny new trailer:

And below this are are two featurettes:

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