Wii.....The Giveaway?

9/30/2008 Posted by Admin

Since we began the giveaway for the Playstation 3  last week, you wouldn't believe how many requests that have come in wondering if we'd also be giving away a Wii.  Like, oh, hundreds of requests.  And don't even get me started on an XBox.  Isn't a Playstation 3 enough?

Maybe not....

The Wii, after all, is still tough to find, so I understand the interest.  And they're really, really fun, so I definitely understand the interest.

So.  All I can say is stay tuned.  Bookmark the site.  Check back daily.  Continue on with the Playstation 3 giveaway--if you're not playing, what's the point of giving?  So play.

Actually, you are playing.  Thousands of you are.  Which melts my heart.

Keep checking back....  You never know about a Wii giveaway....

And keep trying for the Playstation 3 .  It's easy to play--I'll always point you in the right direction of where the hidden word is.  And I'll be updating it constantly, which will only increase your chances of winning.

Play on!

But first tell me:  Should I also giveaway a Wii?  Answer in the comments section.

Just curious.

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  1. marleenandlouie said...

    Yes, you should give a Wii away, but not in a contest--you should just give it to me! Haha. I sure would love one, especially the workwout wii as I'm told that that is the best thing since sliced bread (which I have given up in favor of losing weight)

  2. Unknown said...

    Hmmm - maybe you should give one to the first person who reads everyone of your reviews and can tell you the VVii 552nd word in each review.

  3. Anonymous said...

    It's a significant giveaway, Tom. Play or get lost.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Yes, yes, yes!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Of course! There can never be too many exciting pries :)

  6. Anonymous said...


  7. Anonymous said...


  8. Anonymous said...

    Wow. This site is amazing. Thanks, Christopher, I hope you do this.


  9. tnchick ♥ said...

    I'd certainly love to win one!

  10. Amy said...

    I think it would be an awesome giveaway Christopher. If you gave one away would you be getting it free from the company - for reviewing it?

  11. Anonymous said...

    Nope--I'd be buying this as well.

  12. Lobbyman said...

    Hmmm, I own a wii (After some significant lobbying with my wife). However, everytime I play my kids take over. So....a second one would mean more wii-time for me. Bring it on!

  13. Anonymous said...

    Oh, I would LOVE this. Please!

  14. Tes283 said...

    IF you have one in hand , then yes. I won one BUT had to wait and wait and felt really bad that I had to keep waiting.

  15. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like Tes283 just shot herself in the foot.

    Christopher, I've won from you before and my family and I would love to have a Wii.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Tes283 shut up!

    Yes, Christopher, and thank you!

  17. Anonymous said...

    Um, duh! Yes!

  18. Anonymous said...

    Yes, in due time a Wii would be great...but I'm having the most fun right now trying for a Playstation 3. We are decades behind everyone as we only have a playstation and an Xbox...I need some of the new items in my home for my kids. Heck, even a Nintendo DS light would be awesome (don't have that either)...

  19. Anonymous said...

    This is a perfect present for my brother, awesome idea, thanks!