Are you following Week in Rewind? You probably should...
Beyond keeping track of the latest movie news that we cover, as well as all of the movie reviews, starting tomorrow at Week in Rewind will be the one-day DVD giveaway.
That's it. One day--okay, maybe even two days. Maybe even just a few hours. Maybe just a few minutes. I'll post the giveaway randomly throughout the week and announce the winner in the timeframe given on the giveaway itself.
Imagine the intensity! Only the most alert shall win! And it won't be some bum giveaway, either--it will be a choice giveaway. Maybe, in some cases, not even a DVD at all...
It's a new feature we're offering here. The best way to keep tabs for your chance to win--as well as to follow the latest movie news and reviews--is to look in the right navigation under "Join Google Friend Connect at Week in Rewind" and "Follow Week in Rewind." Simply follow the instructions on each--and that's it.
Also, it's important to make sure that you've subscribed to our RSS feed and, to give yourself another edge, to follow us on Twitter. Each of those will be updated with the most-current news...and all giveaways, including the one-day DVD giveaways.
Please keep in mind, you at least need to be a member of our RSS feed to win.
We'll see how many people are interested in this, and go from there.
Thanks--and good luck!
January 23, 2009 at 7:44 PM
Thank you for the remarkable web site and prizes.
January 23, 2009 at 10:32 PM
i'm not very savvy with rss feeds but i have subscribed to it. i think...
thanks for a fab giveaways as always!
January 23, 2009 at 11:22 PM
This is a terrific idea!! Love it!
January 24, 2009 at 9:44 AM
It sounds cool. I hope a lot of people join, so that we can get this going. I expect to be going back to work next week, and thus I will not have as much time to vist the site, but I will be checking on the site before bed.
January 24, 2009 at 10:19 AM
I really like this idea.
January 25, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Wow. These giveaways are so generous of you. Thanks for the opportunities to win.