GIVEAWAY: Sex and the City Complete Series

2/13/2009 Posted by Admin

UPDATE: Voting is now closed on "Sex and the City: The Complete Series." We have a winner, who will be revealed tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for playing!

Looking for more giveaways from Click here.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Here's my entry for today, I hope I win, Thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone

  2. Leland's Mama said...

    i tried to send my e-mail but it kept saying your mailbox was full. weird. anywho, count this as 2 entries?

  3. jhals said...

    This is such a great prize...can't wait to see who is the lucky winner!! :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. windycindy said...

    Wowzers! Please enter my name in this fantastic prize giveaway drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

  5. cigar666 said...

    Sex me