Montana can Have Her

2/14/2009 Posted by Admin

Above, Miley Cyrus totally eats it Saturday on Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway in the U.K. She forgot her own lyrics! Yes!

Watch her screw up around the 1:10 mark.

I can't stand her. I think she's an obnoxious, no-talent idiot. Just watching and listening to her is enough to make my skin crawl off my body and slide down the street.

Hate her.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    miley is excellent!
    haters should stop hating,
    leave her alone she is human just like everyone else. people need to stop picking on her, she has feelings we all do.

  2. Anonymous said...

    i don't agree with you at all

  3. Chris said...

    I have found you either love her or hate her.

    For me, I don't care. If someone comes out with a good song, who am I to judge if she screws up every once in a while? Entertainers are humans too.

    Still funny though that she bombed, lol.

  4. mandatorybloghere said...

    she will be in interesting train wreck to watch in about 5 years lol

  5. B-MAN said...

    Yeah, she's just a human like everyone else. We're all just millionaire disney contracted teens. I agree, there isn't much talent here, but it matters little as she is disney product and she sells to kids and that's priority. I hope her feelings aren't hurt. On the upside, she's not lip syncing.

  6. Admin said...

    Brian H: I bet she wishes she was lip syncing.
