WINNER: Sex and the City: The Complete Series!

2/14/2009 Posted by Admin

We have a winner of the "Sex and the City: Complete Series."

Please congratulate Janice of New Mexico.

Janice entered every day, she emailed every day, and she commented on the posts. Hell, she even Twittered. As such, her name was in our database a lot.

Enjoy your Sex and the City, Janice--particularly on Valentine's Day.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    I'm just curious to know how winners are selected. Does it go to the person with the most entries? Or is it a random draw?

  2. Admin said...

    It's a random draw. I use the integer generator here:

    Based on the number of entries, I enter that number, generate the result and go through the database searching for the winner. If you're in the database several times for any given giveaway, as Janice was for this giveaway, you have a better chance to win.


  3. Anonymous said...

    Thank you, Christopher! My girlfriends and I will love this! I really appreciate it!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  4. jhals said...

    Congratulations, Janice! Enjoy it!