Air Force One: DVD, Blu-ray Movie Review (2009)

5/31/2009 Posted by Admin

Movie, DVD, Blu-ray Review
“Air Force One”

Features an engaging script, genuinely gripping scenes, and well-acted performances by Harrison Ford as the President of the United States, and Glenn Close as his Vice President.

When Air Force One is taken hostage by a group of terrorists led by Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman), the President is thought to have slipped through a special escape pod. He hasn’t. Hiding on board, Ford finds himself fighting to keep himself, his family and his country safe.

A former Vietnam Vet, he proves a formidable opponent to Oldman’s equally formidable terrorist, who relishes killing off hostages in an effort to get what he really wants--the release from prison of General Radek (Jurgen Prochnow), a powerful man who will threaten a Communist return to Russia if he is set free.

Who has the power to free Radek? The President, of course. And with Hollywood fully behind all this, audiences likely will have a grand time watching this particular war between terrorist and President play out.

Rated R. Grade: B+

View the trailer for "Air Force One" here:

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