5/27/2009 Posted by Admin

Okay, so maybe these are what I should give away--and only give away. The response via email I can't keep up with. If you see that my email box if full, I'm archiving as fast as possible. On Twitter, it's also a hit, with thousands so far entering--and we're only two days into it.

By the way, this iPod Touch will be gone in less than a month. A very fast giveaway so you can enjoy it for the summer.

Details are here on how to enter. You can do so via Twitter and also if you don't have Twitter. All are welcome--and winning is easy!

Also gone soon are these major giveaways:

The Flip Mino should be gone in a week.

Good luck!


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  1. caliguy said...

    duh everyone loves the ipod touch @caliguy

  2. cameorn said...

    sweet giveaway

  3. Anonymous said...

    Thats a must have.

  4. Shellshupe said...

    I want it!! @shellshupe

  5. Aimee said...

    So by Tweeting tonight you get 10 extra entries?

  6. Elkaye said...

    Cool, I made a tweet. @Elkaye on twitter

  7. Icedream said...

    Sweet giveaway and I tonight 10 extra entries! yes- I just sent my tweet.

  8. dragoonxgears said...

    i want it too

  9. Jen W. said...

    i tweeted this! @babydogbuddy

  10. Anonymous said...

    i've tweeted @jeffphillips_ym =)