6/13/2009 Posted by Admin

The first of our exclusive giveaways via our fan page on Facebook.

To enter, just become a fan of WeekinRewind on Facebook here and comment on the post. The winner will be selected on June 20, 2009.

That's it!

Good luck!


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  1. Debra B. said...

    This is a fantastic movie!

  2. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Clint Eastwood has been my favorite since "The Gauntlet" I have been wanting to see this movie so badly! Thank you for offering this awesome Giveaway!


  4. Unknown said...

    great Movie! I'd like to enter.

  5. Parker said...

    Entered to win! Thank You

  6. Anonymous said...

    I entered as well. Can't wait to see this film, I know it'll be great! Clint Eastwood is a fantastic director.

  7. Kathy P said...

    fan on facebook kathy l pease

    Thanks for the GREAT giveaway
    please count me in :)

  8. John_Reese said...

    Entered for "Gran Torino" giveaway.

  9. Admin said...

    He really is amazing and this film is no exception.


  10. Mike-Wag said...

    entree for a clint movie

  11. aniemels said...

    I'm already a facebook fan ... other half loves this film so I hope i can win a copy for him! xx

  12. Brian, aka Hellstorm said...

    It was great seeing Eastwood subvert expectations with this film.

  13. Pricousins said...

    I'm a fan

  14. Helen Keeler said...

    Enter me please. I would love to see this movie.

  15. Lorie Shewbridge said...

    We so want this!

  16. Unknown said...

    I would love to win this!
    Clint Eastwood is one of my favorite actors.
    Awesome giveaway!

  17. kittycatty12 said...

    Love this film

  18. Robin said...

    What a great movie! I'd love to see it again!

  19. Claude said...

    Excellent movie. I'd like to own it.

  20. Sherri S. said...

    Hope I get this one :)

    Hubby would love me forever & ever!

  21. KristenH said...

    I became a fan on facebook a while ago and am entering this giveaway because this looks like such a good movie to me and I really hope I win it on DVD so I can see it. I would really enjoy watching it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  22. Maja said...

    love it

  23. Maja said...
