6/11/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of the
iPod Touch 32 GB!

For those who Tweet, here's your chance to complete! Have you entered? If so, why not? It's easy! And time on this brief giveaway is running out fast!

Just click here for the rules.

Also, check out these giveaways:

  • Digg
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  1. Brandon and Andre said...

    Again Im In It To WIn It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. KJIH-TV said...

    Didn't I win the last one? Aw, damn. This time for sure. :]


    My primary cause:
    Help protect males!

  3. plb8156 said...

    I'm in it to win it & will just keep

  4. Cherie said...

    I am in it to win it!!! Following on twitter and tweeting often! [alot]

  5. jhals said...

    Would love to win!

  6. Huguette En said...


  7. Rachel Duryea said...

    still in to win! @hirachlolol

  8. Anonymous said...

    i can see looking verrrry closely... this has my name on it!!!!

  9. Ms. K. Little, NBCT 1999 said...

    look forward to sendimg out more w/in/review tweets from a new i Touch. To share up to date entertainment news links from it will be entertaining!

  10. Ms. K. Little, NBCT 1999 said...

    e magining sending out more Tweets on week in review entertainment would be very entertaining!

  11. Mike-Wag said...

    Could use a new phone for sure.

  12. Danny7305 said...

    I really wanna win =D

  13. Abby said...

    Oh PALEEEZE pick me!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com