FACEBOOK WINNER ANNOUNCED: The Arnold Schwarzenegger 4-Film Collection!

7/20/2009 Posted by Admin

The winner of our Facebook Giveaway contest for The Arnold Schwarzenegger 4-Film Collection is:

Kathryn Alkire Church! Kathryn, please comment here AND on Facebook that you won.

Please get back to me at bdnfilm1@aol.com with your address, and this will ship out shortly.

Thanks to all for playing--more to come.

If you're not a fan of our Facebook page, become one below for exclusive giveaways not offered here:

Spreading the word on your Facebook page would be a big help.



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  1. Kat C said...

    WOW I just read that I was the WINNER of the Arnold 4 -film collection...
    Thank you so much Week in ReWind