Jude Law's Pap Smear

7/24/2009 Posted by Admin

So, here's what new with Jude Law. After leaving a dinner party at Automat in London last night, he may or may not have pulled a pap smear by smacking one of the paps on the head.

This is what she said: "It was really loud - there was a massive thud and my face is still stinging today. It was deliberate - you could see it in his face. Maybe he didn't realize he was hitting a girl, but he could at least apologize. He hit me full in the face. It was a real stinger, it was very sore."

And this from Jude's lawyer: "This is all nonsense. Last night's incident was an accident. Jude was blinded by the camera flashes when he left the restaurant, raised his hand to shield himself and inadvertently struck somebody standing very close. He apologized and left. Pictures of this sort can often be misleading."

Pictures can be misleading--true. But these don't seem to be. So! Here's a tip to Jude regardless of what happened: You might not want to hit women. You're an actor. You've asked for the attention. Now suck it up and deal with it, or leave the business.

Your hairline already has.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    A smart person is never been a paparazzi. And please stop saying she is a woman, because is the most sexist thing i never read. It was an accident, as you can notice if you see all the pictures about the incident not the only 2 or 3 that the sites are showing…..but, of course, if a paparazzo said it was on purpose it’s must be true! yeah, sure. I am outraged as a woman she is an upstart, an opportunist. Her attitude and the media attitude is disgusting. Ah! indeed, this woman does not have even a scratch! The next night She was waiting for him outside the theater with her gang, all smiles. Now She will become harassment? Well, it’s so fugly that the only way a man like him touch her it must have been by accident