7/14/2009 Posted by Admin

Update: We have a winner and it's Tony Small from New York. His Twitter account is @moviefan202. Please say congrats to Tony!

As most of you know, we use the Random Integer Generator (found here) to choose our winners fairly and squarely. Tony's number came up--in a good way--and he is the winner.

Thanks for all who played--and please join our new giveaway tomorrow. I think you'll be pleased when it's announced. It is, after all, the brand new iPhone 3GS! Yes!

In the meantime, check out these giveaways:

Also, those seeking exclusive giveaways not found here should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

In fact, several contests are ending shortly.


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  1. Unknown said...

    Congrats to the winner :)

  2. @evanmaroun said...

    damnit, i retweeted almost everyday and sometimes more than once a day and i still didnt win!? guess the PS3 or ipod 3Gs will be mine (hopefully!) *crosses fingers*

  3. Penelope Ann Thompson said...

    whoever you are - congrats to you, the winner of an amazing iPhone! thanx for the giveaway WeekinRewind!

  4. Tony Small said...

    Thank you very, very much, Christopher! I can't believe it. I've always wanted one.

    When will you ship it?

    Tony or @moviefan202

  5. Admin said...

    It's all in the email I sent, Tony. Check your email. And I'm happy you won. Thanks for playing.



  6. Sri said...

    Congratulations to the winner :-) is the 3GS contest the same, or do we have to retweet for that?

  7. Admin said...

    The 3Gs is a MUCH better phone--they just released it--and that will be posted separately tomorrow in its own contest.


  8. Douglas0327 said...

    Congrats, enjoy your iPhone!

  9. Rainclouds said...

    Congrats TONY~~!!! Hugs!

  10. Isolated Existence. said...
