8/31/2009 Posted by Admin

And so that's it--we have a winner, who we will contact tonight and announce tomorrow with their permission.

Thanks to the tens of thousands of you who have Tweeted (the Tweets!), emailed (the emails!), looked for the letters (good grief!), and commented, which most don't--but that's their choice! With our contests, we try to make it as easy to enter with a variety of ways to enter.

Winner announced tomorrow. Stay tuned--could be you!

And also stay tuned for another major giveaway at


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  1. xPoPxKiDx110 said...

    Hope I won =/

  2. cherdon said...

    Fingers crossed

  3. jbafaith said...

    Me too - crossing fingers, etc. hoping to win.

  4. x said...

    This'll probably be the 50th contest I've lost, lol....

  5. Kat C said...

    Thanks Christopher!!!!!!!!

  6. Jason Asselin said...

    Is this a better system than Atari was? I haven't ever bought one in many years. Great gift for myself IF I win..

  7. Unknown said...

    Oh, I hope it's me! And congrats to whoever it is (since it probably isn't me)!

  8. Unknown said...

    Oh Boy I hope I won!!!

  9. BetaChris said...

    Chalk up contest #67,342 I lost... Oh well, there's always next time, I guess.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Laura and BetaChris need better attitudes.

  11. MrDeceit said...

    yea..great contest..even if I dont win..

  12. Edward29 said...

    *Crossing Fingers*
    Please, please, please, PS3

  13. Kat C said...

    I agree with you Anomymous!!!!! If you know you are going to lose why bother to even enter in the first place? Think positive you are going to win!!!! You might just be surPRIZED : )

  14. spooking93 said...

    they said that they'd be contacting the winner last night, so if you've got no new emails, that would mean you didn't win don't have to wait for an announcment

  15. Lekonua said...

    I can't help but wonder how the winner would be contacted, given that most people don't post their email addresses on Twitter.

  16. Christopher said...

    They would be contacted directly through Twitter with a direct message.


  17. Lekonua said...

    Ah. Being fairly new to Twitter, I didn't know that could be done.

  18. Anonymous said...

    OMG! I WON! 8D

  19. Anonymous said...


  20. x said...

    Better attitudes?? With the thousands that entered, I'd say I was being *optimistic*.

  21. Unknown said...

    Im so excited for who ever wins.. This is a great contest. Hope you do another one soon..