FACEBOOK GIVEAWAY: Sanctuary: First Season!

9/04/2009 Posted by Admin

So, here is another exclusive giveaway via our fan page on Facebook. It's "Sanctuary: First Season," and its official product description is this:

"The enigmatic Dr. Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and her Sanctuary team are on a quest to study and protect the strange and terrifying creatures that secretly populate our world. Along with their newest recruit, forensic psychiatrist Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne), the group must face their darkest fears and their worst nightmares in order to provide a safe haven for the monsters that lurk in the shadows. As seen on SciFi Channel. From the writers and producers of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis."

To enter, comment on this post, become a fan of WeekinRewind on Facebook here and comment on the post on the Facebook page. The winner will be selected on September 11, 2009. The official release date is September 15, 2009, so it will ship soon thereafter.

That's it!

By the way, those seeking exclusive giveaways should become a fan of our Facebook page by clicking the below graphic and selecting "Become a Fan."

Good luck!


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  1. Heather Garrison said...

    Commented on FB. Count me in! Sanctuary is awesome!

  2. Megan Robinson said...

    Commented on facebook also. I hope I get Sanctuary!!! It is a fantastic show!!!!

  3. Andrew said...

    I commented on Facebook.

  4. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for a chance to win this giveaway. I am going straight to facebook to comment too. Thank You!

  5. Unknown said...

    Commented in on Fb thank you so much for this FB contest! Here's my comment so you know it's me ;)

    LOVE SANCTUARY!!! This show ROCKS and the cast is fantastic!! Couldn't ask for more other than this awesome show on dvd and of course another season of sanctuary!!! Thank you so much for this contest. Enter me in!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Commented on Facebook! Count me in for this giveaway Please. Shelly Blur

  7. SlugBug said...

    Commented on Facebook.
    Gary Smith

  8. cherdon said...

    Would love to win Sanctuary. This show is great. Thanks for this giveaway.

    I left a comment on facebook

    URL to comment


    Please enter me.


  9. Lilian Mörschbächer Filha said...

    Sanctuary's great!! And I've commented on Facebook too. =]

  10. Tim Moore said...

    I commented on Facebook. Can't wait!

  11. Tiddles12 said...

    great giveaway. Thanks

  12. Kes said...

    I want one! Also posted on Facebook!

  13. throuthehaze said...

    Commented on Facebook(Raelena Pavey)

  14. graywolfpack said...

    Entered and tweeted @graywolfpack

  15. Anonymous said...

    Count me in....I posted on Facebook also

  16. Deb said...

    I commented on facebook AND I follow you on twitter. I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance... :)

    twitter id: debralu
    facebook id: debraluj

  17. Anonymous said...

    As far as I am concerned as long as Amanda Tapping is in it I want it .

  18. Suzalefr said...

    Commented on facebook too. Love this show.

  19. rholst26 said...

    I love This show .

  20. Anne said...

    I'm a fan on facebook.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  21. Unknown said...

    I'm amazed at your giveaways! I've become a fan on facebook and posted a link to your site on there too. More power to you guys! The Sanctuary DVD looks awesome =)Yvonne x

  22. Unknown said...

    Oooh forgot to say I follow you on Twitter too (earthm0mma) ;)

  23. ali991 said...

    Yes please, about to comment on FB (Alison M)

  24. Lisa Z said...

    Commented on FB; count me in.

  25. pjowens75 said...

    I'm a fan! I'm there! Pat Owens on the FaceBook!

  26. Karyssa Blair said...

    Commented on Facebook as Karyssa Blair!

  27. Karrie said...

    I really love this show :)

  28. May said...

    Can't wait for the next season.

  29. Lorie Shewbridge said...

    awesome show!!