Dude Look Like a Lady? Ryan Reynolds goes Drag for new Rom-Com

10/17/2009 Posted by Admin

Apparently, he'll be looking like a lady soon enough. And he's hardly alone in putting himself out there as a woman. Travolta did it, Swayze did it, Hoffman did it, Robin Williams and Michael Rosenbaum did it, and let's not forget Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in "Some Like it Hot." They did it so well, their characters became two for the ages.

For Reynolds, the challenge is obvious--how to soften what you see at the left?

Cinematical says this about the movie:

Reynolds plays a man who gets dumped, presumably through some fault of his own because he decides that the way to win her [exgirlfriend] back is to befriend her. But naturally, he can’t just call her up and say “Can we still be friends? I need you in my life.” Instead, he decides to cross-dress as a woman, and become her best girlfriend.

So, yeah, the premise has a whiff of the *cough* familiar, but these movies usually pan out into a good time. And few actors are delivering more charm these days than Reynolds. He's on a hot streak--and it's always good to take chances when your career is hitting its stride. Surprise the audience now, not when you're desperate to do so.

One question: Who will apply his makeup? His wife, Scarlett Johansson? She knows a few things about how to pick up the girls and how to color her lips--but no. It better not be her--best to go for a drag queen in this situation. They know their way around covering a five o'clock shadow (pancake!)--and, let's face it, they know how to tuck what shouldn't be seen.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    One of the hottest guys ever!