The Flash--Not Dead on Arrival?

10/07/2009 Posted by Admin

Apparently, "The Flash" is still a go--it's the movie that won't stop coming!--at least according to screenwriter Dan Mazeau, who has a few things to say about the movie.

Specifically, it isn't dead yet.

According to IGN, who ran an interview with Roven yesterday, comes this from Roven:

"I was involved at one point with The Flash," Roven informed us. "And Warner Bros. came to me and said, 'The work that you've been doing hasn't yet resulted in something that any of us, including the filmmaking team, feel could be greenlit as a movie. We're trying to accomplish something that takes into account the entire, rich DC character world, and we'd like to pull it back. That doesn't mean that you aren't going to be a part of it. We just want to take a different kind of approach. Do you mind if we try that?'"

The film's current screenwriter, Dan Mazeau, contacted IGN Movies today to give us the project's current status. "Just to chime in on your latest article: The Flash has not been hobbled. Everything is moving forward as planned," Mazeau explained. "I'm still writing the script. Geoff Johns is still consulting. Flash fans have no cause for concern, and -- IMO -- lots to be excited about."

Sounds about right. After all, let's not forget this:

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