GIVEAWAY: MacBook Air!

10/31/2009 Posted by Admin

Yes! We're coming upon the holidays, my friends, and what better way to go out with a bang in 2009 than with our biggest giveaway ever--the MacBook Air!

Killer! You just know Dancer and Prancer want one of these!

I have one--and let me tell you, at three pounds, you've never had this kind of magic in your lap. Trust me.

Okay, so what does this little honey pot have? Here are the specs.

Brace yourselves.

* 1.86GHz
* Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 1066MHz frontside bus
* 2GB Memory
* 120GB SATA hard drive1
* NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics

And more, more, more--such as Snow Leopard, Apple's latest operating system. And all kinds of other stuff that our beloved Apple crams into their computers.

The cost? $1,499. And it's on me!

Merry Happy Holiday Whatever!

How do you play? Good question. Diligence is key--trust me. But there are THREE ways to win.

For those on Twitter:

Here are the rules--Way #1:

1. Leave a comment on this post that you have entered.
2. Follow me on Twitter for the duration of the contest.
3. Tweet the following message to your followers often:

I've entered the MacBook Air contest! You can win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET. He follows back!

That's it! So easy!

Want more chances? See
that retweet button in the top right? HIT IT--that's also an entry! Better yet, I'll follow everybody who follows the Week in Rewind Twitter account.

For those who follow my Facebook fan page, here is Way #2: Become a fan by clicking the below button, and enter the contest daily. And I mean daily, especially if you want to win. And you're going to want to win this!

For those who have neither, here is Way #3:

For those without Twitter or Facebook, come back here each day and leave a message on this site. Load it up with comments! Come back a dozen times a day (or more) and leave that message in the comment section. Make sure to leave your emails at that you entered. Otherwise, I might not know how to get in touch with you, as I will on Twitter and Facebook.

And if you have Twitter, Facebook, and also comment, your chances skyrocket! Enter every way you can!

It's all that easy.

The contest ends on December 23 and will be overnight to the winner for deliver on December 24!

Now get to it!

Good luck!


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«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 11248   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Unknown said...

    I'm entered :-)

  2. Unknown said...

    I've entered -

  3. Linda said...

    I would love to have A Mac Book Computer!! I have been wanting one forever.I would love to have a computer that is free from any viruses!!

    Twitter name tennmountains

  4. tkt9900 said...

    I'm entered...................

  5. Debra P said...

    I've entered. Thank you! (and tweeted)

  6. KhiavDim said...

    THANK YOU FOR THIS CONTEST! Just entered with twitter, facebook and commenting here!

  7. burgmissy said...

    I would love to have this

  8. Lacey said...

    I'm entered!!

  9. Cheryl<3 said...


  10. Anonymous said...

    Hi, I entered on Twitter and Facebook. Retweeted the message and commented on the giveaway on Facebook.

    Pick me please!


  11. remarker/fcffollower said...

    I follow you all the time @fcffollower - entered

  12. Unknown said...

    I've entered, will tweet and re-tweet! @saramomof2

  13. Unknown said...

    I've entered, will tweet and re-tweet! @saramomof2

  14. Jeff Payton said...

    I am entered and have re-tweeted.

  15. Anonymous said...

    Tweeted :) but it's hopeless to win this prize!!!

  16. Anonymous said...

    entered @igillygill60

  17. Donald Gonzalez said...

    Oh I really need
    this computer I'm in!!

  18. Donald Gonzalez said...

    Oh I really need
    this computer I'm in!!

  19. Anonymous said...

    I'm also Fan of WeekinRewind on facebook!

  20. Unknown said...

    i am enetered =]

  21. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted!

    Thanks for the chance at an awesome computer!

  22. Twitter-SwagBucksFan said...

    I entered at this name!

  23. TexasBlindJack said...

    I've done it.

  24. Heather said...

    Entered and tweeted. @hmgarrison

  25. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in. I posted a tweet. What a great giveaway. Thank you so much for having it!

  26. heatherzilla said...

    I entered and tweeted.

  27. bayctygrl said...

    Enter me!!


  28. bayctygrl said...



  29. CaseyDeuce said...

    I've entered!!

  30. Kings Bro said...

    I am entering! @kingsbrojr

  31. Stacie said...

    I'm entered :)

  32. Stacie said...

    I follow you on twitter as a49erfangirl (I entered)

  33. debralu said...

    I'm entered too! :)


  34. stacie said...

    I entered, I follow and I tweeted


  35. HorrorQueen13 said...

    Entered and tweeted.


  36. mjjjacobs2 said...

    Enter me please. I'm following you and will be tweeting.


  37. goalmom said...

    I've entered!


  38. John said...

    I've entered!!!

  39. Ingrid said...

    I posted on Twitter @ingridjen

  40. LarisaDreamgirl said...

    I have entered. cool prize!!
    thank you

  41. John G said...

    I've entered!!! :-)

    twitter name: JohnG500

  42. Maria @BOREDmommy said...

    I entered!!!

  43. Unknown said...


  44. ~JEWEL~ said...

    my tweet

  45. Douglas0327 said...

    I just entered on facebook. Thank you!

  46. Taylor said...

    Wow, a free Mac! I'm in it to win it! lol @taylor9209

  47. Carlos Quintao said...

    I've entered!

  48. Douglas0327 said...

    If I win this, I am going to let my girlfriend use it to type her stories that she makesup and post online. That way, I won't have to share my computer and I will have more time to go to your site and enter Thanks for giving me the chance to win.

  49. Alexa Nernberg said...


    I would love to win the MacBook Air. Please include me in your contest. Thanks very much!

  50. Tasra Dawson said...


  51. Alexa Nernberg said...


    I follow Week in Rewind on Twitter.

  52. Real Women Scrap said...

    Clicked the retweet button. Hope my followers don't get annoyed!

  53. Tasra Dawson said...

    Became a fan on Facebook.

  54. Alexa Nernberg said...


    I am a fan of Week in Rewind on Facebook.

  55. Douglas0327 said...

    I just sent an email letting you know I entered. Thank you

  56. Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  57. mineola said...

    What a fun way to stream a movie from just about anywhere... :D

  58. Robyn said...

    woo hoo I'm entered :o)

  59. Unknown said...

    I LOVE APPLE Products and I just entered this and Hope that I WIN! My Crappy DELL Laptop needs a REPLACEMENT STAT! :)

  60. Andres said...

    I've entered.

  61. the.kok said...

    I am in it to win it
    I'm entered

  62. Steve said...

    I am in here is my tweet

  63. Winner At Everything! said...

    I follow you and I tweeted:

  64. VJ said...


  65. Colin W said...

    I entered :) cant wait to WIN THIS :D

  66. Anonymous said...

    I've entered. Thank you!

    kimmido at ymail dot com

  67. Dana said...

    Entered and tweeting.

  68. City Saint said...

    I entered!!!

  69. JD_Denver said...

    Entered, following, tweeted -

  70. pickmefla said...

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a MAC AIR!!!!! Awesome! I tweeted and tweeted! I hope the WeekInRewind Santa brings grants my holiday wish for a MAC AIR! You rock!

    Thanks again! PICKMEFLA on twitter

  71. yadgirl said...

    I follow on Facebook. I'm entered.

  72. LeeAnn P. said...

    count me in,I tweeted.

  73. Mr. Yeager said...

    I Entered = Would Be The Best Ever Christmas Present

  74. yadgirl said...

    I follow on twitter as yadgirl.

  75. msgulliver said...

    I retweeted and I follow you. Thanks for the opportunity.

  76. reddogrising said...


  77. Valena said...

    entered. @baconsizzle6

  78. Anonymous said...

    Seaside27: Is this amazing or what!!!
    Yes, yes, I want to trade in my hard drive for the freshly minted MacBook Air!!!!

    Merry Christmas everybody ....

  79. Andy said...

    Niceeeee. entered

  80. Anonymous said...

    What a thrill. I don't eat many apples - BUT, I loveeee to play with them. MacBook, get ready to do business with me.

  81. Eric said...

    I've entered. Twitter account is RustySabre.

  82. Santiago B. said...

    I have entered.

  83. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted about this contest. Would love this computer.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  84. Anonymous said...

    I friended Week In Rewind/Movies on Facebook.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  85. Patty Smith said...

    count me in

    smithpatty at comcast dot net

  86. phackett57 said...

    Please enter me, thanks

  87. kazul said...

    I tweeted, I'm already a FB fan and I wanna win!!

  88. Jenbutterfly said...

    Tweet, Tweet.

  89. JanSKay said...

    Pick me pick me :)

  90. Landon said...


  91. blindkangaroo said...

    @blindkangaroo ... entered

    what a great contest!

  92. Reality said...

    entered. daddy needs a new laptop.

  93. guitarch94 said...

    i've entered! BEST giveaway ever!! twitter name is @guitarch94

  94. Kimberly K. said...

    I'm entered. I tweeted @phantom000 and posted a comment on Facebook. I am a new but now constant and faithful follower.

  95. Mr_Sinisterr said...


  96. Douglas0327 said...

    Thank you for having this giveaway! Please count me in. Thanks

  97. SlugBug said...


  98. My Oh Mayim said...

    Entered, whee!

  99. Unknown said...

    Wow another awesome giveaway!!!
    Tweet daily under dewinner!

  100. nikkischroeher said...

    Um, ya. I had to enter!

  101. Gabi said...

    i wannna win so bad!

  102. Anonymous said...

    i entered! @mcpdavid

  103. Roberto said...

    I entered via Twitter @madrigrober Hope I win 'cause I need a new computer lol

  104. JaydDragyn said...

    Oh yeah i'm entering this giveaway! i've been wanting a macbook for my photomanipulations and video editing. And if i win i totally promise to send photos!!! ;o)


  105. Unknown said...

    count me in! i would love love love this laptop!!!!

  106. Unknown said...

    i follow you on twitter and of course im a fan on facebook!!! woohoo!!! thanks!

  107. Jules said...

    I'm entered!

  108. Anonymous said...

    ive enterred im @gottaluvdemifan

  109. Jessica and Nicole said...

    I entered =)

    twitter id jsp4zc

  110. Unknown said...


  111. BobTheWizard said...


    I'd sure love to win this!

  112. tkharmonic (Terri) said...

    What a fantastic giveaway!! I'm tweeting now and heading to facebook...

  113. lifeonprint said...

    oh, I HAVE entered! yay!!!! Thank you for the chance!

  114. joolnik said...

    Entered for Mac Book
    @joolnik on twitter
    retwittered and commentes too!

  115. Olivia said...

    I'm entered


    Olivia :)

  116. Viclen1954 said...

    I'm in and tweete!

  117. Jenn in AZ said...

    I am so entering this giveaway! You are awesome!! Tweeting, too, and anything else!!

  118. Anonymous said...

    Im entered

  119. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  120. Unknown said...

    I entered!!

  121. Anonymous said...

    entered on twitter

  122. Becky said...

    I tweeted:

  123. Zoe Homes said...

    I've entered, great prize, here's hoping!
    Twitter name: Splodz

  124. Linda H. said...

    Gave you a tweet out on twitter as Beebalin.

  125. Andy said...

    Enter! :D

  126. Unknown said...

    And i entered as well!

  127. Cynthia said...

    I've entered the giveaway and tweeted:

  128. RAQU3L said...

    I've entered =)

  129. Tyler said...

    I entered.


  130. cshimmon said...

    I'm in! @cshimmon

  131. Jo Tan said...

    i wish to win!

  132. Paolo Bosetti said...

    Posted comment, tweet, and started following!

  133. Unknown said...

    Amazing give away ..

    Just now entered my twitter status..

  134. Chase said...

    Super sweetness and giving away a MacBook Air. So rad!

  135. Unknown said...

    I'm learning about weekend rewind and entering your contest. Thanks for the opportunity

  136. Unknown said...

    I'm learning about weekend rewind and entering your contest. Thanks for the opportunity

  137. Kristiano said...

    I'm in!

  138. D-LuX said...

    Im Entered @dlux_art

  139. DECA Candle and Bath said...

    Awesome contest. Please consider me entered.

  140. Lisa Rancourt said...

    I entered

  141. Linzey said...

    I'm entered and tweeting!


  142. Anonymous said...

    hi ,
    im in for the macbook contest
    here´s teh tweet

    thank you.

  143. Linden said...



  144. Unknown said...

    This would be the bestest ;-) holiday pressie. Retweeting in 3..2..

  145. john said...

    I entered @nyclee

  146. Jacob Yap said...

    Sweet, I've entered.

  147. TiredMom said...

    I will be tweeting! I am businessjen on twitter

  148. Unknown said...

    tweeting and commenting on facebook, twitter, and here!! thanks for this awesome contest/giveaway! you rock! jess gong

  149. Unknown said...

    tweeting and commenting on facebook, twitter, and here!! thanks for this awesome contest/giveaway! you rock! jess gong

    seriously you are so awesome!!!!! i would love love love this!!!

  150. CharliZmoma said...

    I have entered! Awesome Giveaway

  151. Marty said...

    I've entered the MacBook Air contest! @icekat44

  152. Unknown said...

    tweeting and commenting both here and on facebook for this lovely contest! thanks!!!


  153. rb109972 said...

    i cant wait! i hope i win!

  154. VJ said...


  155. Carma Sez said...

    tweeting now!

  156. matthew Sedaghatfar said...

    I entered

  157. Mike and Beth said...

    yes please!

  158. Mike and Beth said...

    yes, please!! tweeting now.

  159. Donna said...

    I entered

  160. Unknown said...

    yahoo!! sweet contests!!! love 'em! thanks!!
    tweeting and commenting both here and on facebook for this lovely contest! thanks!!!


  161. Patty Herbert said...

    I entered and am tweeting about this contest on twitter @lambchop1965

  162. Anonymous said...

    Entered and tweeted


  163. Ms_hypnoblueyes said...

    I could so use a MacBook!!!! Ms_hypnoblueyes

  164. pjowens75 said...

    I'm entered, Chris!

  165. Jeff Legg said...

    Count me in!! Tweeted @graywolfpack

  166. Unknown said...

    full of excitement!!! teehee!! thanks!!!


  167. alice (@craven_ on twitter) said...

    entered :)

  168. Unknown said...

    you are so awesome!! thanks for this contest! -Jess


  169. Donna said...

    Please Oh Please!!!

  170. The Clay Family said...

    I'm entered

  171. The Clay Family said...

    I tweeted

  172. The Clay Family said...

    i became a fan on facebook

  173. Unknown said...

    I follow and tweeted

  174. Jenn in AZ said...

    Entering hometeachin twitter

  175. Tammy Walker said...

    I'm entered

  176. Tammy Walker said...

    I'm entered

  177. Tammy Walker said...

    i tweeted:

  178. Unknown said...

    tweeting and commenting to win!!! thanks! -Jess


  179. Ingrid said...

    I've entered.

  180. Hannah said...

    I'm entered =)
    twitter name alatheia93

  181. Hannah said...

    i would LOVE a mac book!! my brother and best friend have mac book pros...but i'm too poor =)

  182. Unknown said...

    I really need to win this laptop. I am entering.

    twitter name: wonderwoman1969

  183. Hannah said...

    pick me please!

  184. Unknown said...

    i would love this awesome laptop! please!! thank you for this amazing opportunity!!!


  185. Hannah said...

    i literally have to put an icepack on my computer to keep it from overheating and turning off
    pick me please!

    twitter name alatheia93

  186. AppleJill said...

    I'm entered! Just tweeted!

  187. Anonymous said...

    I entered again today on Facebook and Twitter.

  188. Unknown said...

    enter me in to win this awesome giveaway! thanks!


  189. Unknown said...

    crossing my fingers to get a sweet gift this holiday! thanks!


  190. Raul Torres said...


  191. dvice12 said...

    I have entered

  192. Laurie W. said...

    A MacBook Air...please sir?

    laurie144744 at aol dot com

  193. Kathy P said...

    i entered

  194. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for an extra chance to win. Thank you!

  195. Jenbutterfly said...

    Daily tweet.

  196. Douglas0327 said...

    I am now going to facebook to post and enter. Thank you for having this giveaway!

  197. Unknown said...

    thanks for this rocking contest!


  198. elaine said...

    Oh my gosh! My laptop is starting to crater and the MacBook Air is beautiful!

    Elaine R

  199. elaine said...


    Elaine R

  200. Eko0724 said...

    I am in!

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