It's About Time: J.J. Abrams Talks Star Trek Sequel

10/12/2009 Posted by Admin

It's about time.

After the huge success J.J. Abrams enjoyed with his "Star Trek" reboot, the director finally is getting around to talking about the film's sequel--which is indeed happening, as if we thought it wouldn't.

Still, nice that it is. More after the jump.

From the Collider, who quotes Abrams:

In going forward, the fun of this movie series is that we will have the opportunity, given its alternate timeline, to cross paths with any of the experiences, places and characters that existed in the original series, but we have to be really careful, doing that. I don’t want to do something that is so inside that only die-hard fans will appreciate. We’re just now working on the script and just beginning the process of story breaking, but I guarantee you, whatever the story is and whatever the final movie ends up being, I know it will be something that will work on its own terms and be something that you don’t need to know and study Star Trek to get, but if you are a fan, there will hopefully be gift after gift of connections, references and characters that you hold near and dear. At least, that’s the intent.

And that's the correct intent. Including everyone not only means a bigger box office, but likely a better story since that story will need to rely on itself and not everything that came before it. Probably a disappointment for Trekkies, but a relief for those new to the franchise. And, yes, they're out there.

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