Sam Raimi talks World of Warcraft Movie

10/13/2009 Posted by Admin

It's heating up. Sam Raimi is talking about his upcoming "World of Warcraft" movie, which promises to be huge for all sorts of reasons. First, Raimi is directing. Natch. And second--it is, after all, "World of Warcraft." But how is the story shaping up?

From Worst Previews, which quotes Raimi:

“We want to be really faithful to the game,” Raimi said. “We would have our writer, Robert Rodat, really craft an original story within that world that feels like a ‘World of Warcraft’ adventure. We would choose something that encompasses lands and characters and storylines, and we would be true to it. But our story may or may not be about one of those central characters.”

“He continued: [The goal is to capture] the Horde and the Alliance and the mythology that takes place in the game, and the archetypes that the game presents. I think we would try and find touchstones within the game to make it accurate and true and choose one or some of the lands that are portrayed in the game with as much accuracy and authenticity as possible.”

That's pretty much the correct approach. Don't mess with what people know and love, yet give them new angles to think about, perhaps through a character you might not expect to be the center of the story. It's intriguing...and we'll need to wait to see how it pans out.

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  1. wow gold said...

    Having Sam Raimi directing world of warcraft is a good indication, knowing that he's a pro. I'll be looking forward to see this movie even though I'm no longer into WoW, just because I like the works of this guy.