What Hugh Jackman Has Rebecca Romijn Wants

10/07/2009 Posted by Admin

And that would be a Mystique origins film. But is she worth it? The franchise suggests she might be--her body at its prime promises that a young male audience might turn out to see it--but Mystique? An origins film? Really?

According to Get the Big Picture, she's hoping it will happen.

In the weeks after this summer’s Wolverine, Halle Berry wondered why Storm doesn’t get a spin-off. Well, that’s because she doesn’t deserve one. And now – sigh – Rebecca Romijn-Stamos-O’Connell tells Showbiz Spy that there ought to be more Mystique, too.

“If they talk to me in a year when I have worked off more of the baby weight, we’ll see, but I’ve still got a couple of pounds to go,” says the new mother of twins. “It’s a great idea but no one’s talked to me about it yet.”

And you're surprised? Rebecca, sweetie, just between us, take all the time you want to take off the baby weight because it ain't going to happen. Have a Twinkie! Hell, have a Ho-Ho. Halle Berry would so be there before you.

Just saying.

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