"Inception" Teaser Trailer #2 Movie Review
If the first mysterious teaser trailer for "Inception" intrigued or confused you due to its lack of plot explanation or dialogue, be prepared. Though we get a greater glimpse at the characters, dialogue, and the overall premise and style of "Inception" with the just-released second teaser, it really provides more questions than answers.
The first big reveal of the new teaser for Christopher Nolan's first film after the massively successful "Dark Knight" is a clip of stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page watching in curiosity as the city they're standing in...folds in on itself. Yes. One half of the entire city rises into the sky, blocking out the sun, and folds in on the other half. If you're not intrigued at this point, you may never be.
Following some more baffling imagery, we're told very basically that Leonardo DiCaprio wants to steal "an idea," because ideas can, his character says, build cities, change the world, etc. Based on the given premise and tagline for the film ("a thriller set in the architecture of the mind," "your mind is the crime scene"), it seems to be about DiCaprio going into a person's (or people's) mind in order to take some sort of idea or memory from them.
This second teaser pretty much confirmed for me that this is the must-see film of 2010. Nolan already has an incredible track record, and his talents as a writer and director combined with the huge acting talents he's acquired (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine join tha aforementioned DiCaprio and Page) will surely result in something extraordinary. Plus, the action looks fantastic.
"Inception" will be released on July 16, 2010 in both regular and IMAX screens.
The second trailer for the movie "Inception" is below. What are you thoughts?
January 2, 2010 at 12:23 PM
January 2, 2010 at 12:26 PM
I like trailers that keep you wondering what is really going on. I agree this is going to be a must-see film of 2010.
January 2, 2010 at 8:03 PM
This teaser is okay ! the frst was better i think ! lets hope the movie is gud !