Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mark Strong Is Sinestro In "Green Lantern"

1/18/2010 Posted by Admin

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

"Green Lantern" director Martin Campbell has quickly debunked talk that emerged that Jackie Earle Haley was first in line to play the villain Sinestro in his upcoming film adaptation of the comic.

In an interview with MTV News, during the junket for his upcoming "Edge of Darkness," the director said: "No, that's completely wrong. In fact, we're in negotiations with Mark Strong to play Sinestro. He's not only a wonderful actor, but he looks like Sinestro.”

“If you look up old pictures of Sinestro, he's very like him. The Jackie Earle Haley thing, somebody told me about it this morning; I had never heard it before in my life."

Campbell also added a comment about some characters that will appear in the film. "Kilowog will be. Tomar-Re is in it... Abin Sur is in it. All the original people."

If negotiations pan out, Strong will have a role in two anticipated comic book movies, as he also plays mobster Frank D'Amico in Matthew Vaughn's adaptation of Mark Millar's "Kick-Ass."

By snagging this role from Haley, Strong will retain my imaginary ‘it-villian’ status. Either way, having Strong involved is a plus for the project. Strong’s upcoming slate really looks good with “Kick-Ass,” “Green Lantern” and Andrew Stanton’s “John Carter of Mars.”

“Green Lantern” will be released June 17, 2011.

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