UPDATE: GOT FACEBOOK? Win a New iMac 27"!

1/09/2010 Posted by Admin

(First, don't worry--nothing has disappeared. I have all of your previous entries and comments logged.)

UPDATE #2:  Each time you share this on your Facebook account and let us know in the comments section of this post, we'll check--and you'll be entered.  Each "share" equals one entry--you can share as often as you like.

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  Since this is a $1,700 giveaway, playing will change over the following weeks until we give the iMac away on March 13, 2010 (my birthday!).  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs and Video Games HERE.  Try your hand at those!

Finally, this will come in handy later as the contest progresses:

You can join our fan page on Facebook here.

Getting a head start on being a member of our fan page would be a smart move, indeed.


View the video for the new iMac below!

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  • del.icio.us
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  • Yahoo! Buzz
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  • Facebook
  • TwitThis
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  • Slashdot
  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 558   Newer›   Newest»
  1. JaydDragyn said...

    shared on fb and twitter and subscribed.
    commented here and on fb ;o)

  2. Parker said...

    Shared for 100 extra entries

  3. SlugBug said...

    100 extra facebook entries

  4. Shelly Leatham said...

    shared on facebook shelly leatham
    for 100 entries

  5. Mel said...


  6. AmyLynn said...

    Shared on FB and Tweeted (hillfam2005)!

  7. trishden said...

    I'm a member, facebook fan, subscribed via email and shared on facebook. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  8. mich0825 said...

    shared on FB for the extra 100 entries tonight! Michelle Hohertz

  9. Mga Kwentong ma Alamat said...

    I have subscribed to your blog and shared this contest on FB.

  10. live42day said...

    Shared on facebook tonight for 100 entries. I'm a subscriber to the feed and email too! :)

  11. Unknown said...

    oops, i did it again!


  12. Andrew said...

    I shared this on Facebook again.

  13. Mary Kontrary said...

    Lovin me the 100 extra entries! Just shared on FB. I'm a follower.

  14. Unknown said...

    Yahoo!! Hit me with those 100 extra entries , baby , cause I just face-booked again!

  15. garfan1 said...

    shared and tweeted
    laura reid

  16. EppyTaff said...

    shared of FB again:))

  17. michele said...

    member and fan! Thanks!

  18. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook this morning
    10:07 am est. facebook.com/graywolfpack


  19. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=245087470921

  20. ChuckGamble said...

    Yes, I'm following and a fan!

  21. Ann said...

    I shared on Facebook: Angela Akinniyi

    I'm also a fan on Facebook under: Ann Fawehinmi and I had been before this giveaway.

  22. wildflower00 said...

    I shared on facebook

  23. Diane said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries

  24. Unknown said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  25. Diane said...

    I shared on facebook

    (DIane Walline)

  26. VioletS said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

    Shared on FB, Retweeted on Twitter
    Fan on FB
    Follow on Twitter
    Subscribe to Newsletter
    violet_c_smith at hotmail dot com

  27. Jennifer Phillips said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!
    jenni104 at yahoo dot com

  28. Jingle said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  29. Diane said...

    Here is my tweet

  30. nubianp said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  31. cindylee137 said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


    shared and retweeted

  32. princessducky said...


  33. Kerri said...

    Shared on FB! Kerri Charette Gillis!

  34. DowntownFTL said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  35. VegasLiz said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"
    Posted on Facebook ~ Vegas Liz

  36. Kathy said...

    Just tweeted Julianna2221

  37. Kimberly said...

    I shared this on my facebook!

  38. Kimberly said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!" :D

  39. Diane Allstadt said...

    Shared on FB

  40. Turtle said...

    Shared on Facebook.

  41. JanSKay said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  42. JuddMensch said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  43. billybadbiurd said...

    've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  44. khrissylee said...

    My mother would love this. She composts. She adds manure when she can and say, "just keep it away from the house!"
    khrissylee28 at aol dot com

  45. RJ(ern) said...

    Shared on Facebook (Lim Rern Jern)

  46. Rabid Fox said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  47. Taylor said...

    signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!" 

  48. Kristin H. said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    Im a member of your facebook

  49. vishal said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  50. khrissylee said...

    Sribed to feed.

  51. khrissylee said...

    became a fan...khrissylee28

  52. khrissylee said...

    twittered @khrissylee28

  53. khrissylee said...

    joined email khrissylee28@aol.com

  54. EppyTaff said...

    Shared on FB once again (for 100 entries!) as Eppy Taff

  55. khrissylee said...

    Oh, and started my own blog...

  56. khrissylee said...

    ...and of course, shared on facebook since i'm a fan. khrissylee28 now i just hope i remember all those pw's!

  57. khrissylee said...

    do I get 100 entries for signing up for news letter? khrissylee28 at aol dot com

  58. qtrhrse66 said...

    shared on facebook, and tweeted


    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  59. ~dab said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!


  60. Deb Anderson said...

    shared on facebook
    Deb Anderson

  61. Anthony Burrows said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

    tonytouch_28 on twitter

  62. Pricousins said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    Angie Marion on FB

  63. Redlizzy1 said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional enteries.

  64. Redlizzy1 said...

    I shared on FB as Elizabeth V.

  65. BIGMAC78 said...


  66. Nina said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com

  67. Anne S. said...

    Shared on FB and I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries.

  68. Viclen1954 said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  69. Anonymous said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  70. Viclen1954 said...

    I've shared on Facebook, tweeted and posted!

  71. alexa said...

    Alexa Nernberg

    Shared on Facebook. F/B username is Alexa Nernberg

  72. Ø$iⱤ!$ỖⱤ𝒾𝕠|\| said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  73. Radish said...

    shared on facebook and i am a member for the newsletters!

  74. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared on facebook for the 100 extra entries


  75. Anonymous said...


  76. Kathryn20000 said...

    hi-doing todays daily entry..Kathryn20000 bingo1575@comcast.net

  77. cherdon said...

    I'm a member of Week in Rewind/Movies

    Subscriber to your feed

    I subscribe to your newsletter

    I am a fan on Facebook
    username is cheryl hodgkins

    Posted this giveaway on Facebook


    I would love to win this for my granddaughter. Thanks for this awesome giveaway.

  78. pickmefla said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  79. @gScott54 said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  80. cherdon said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  81. mcclave said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  82. mcclave said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  83. mcclave said...

    I became a fan on facebook and shared this too.

  84. Jason S said...

    facebooked it again

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  85. Parker said...

    Shared on FB, tweeted and am a member!

  86. Misfit said...

    I shared this on my Facebook account and retweeted today.I hope it counts.

  87. Anonymous said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  88. helobuff said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  89. R Lukenbill said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  90. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  91. smithalso said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"
    Also tweeting as @smithalso.
    I hpoe I just did this right off to email you now.

  92. Rainclouds said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

    tweet tweet

  93. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries! I have shared on facebook.

  94. Misscrabbypants said...

    I am a member!


  95. Misscrabbypants said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"


  96. Tanesha said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries! I have shared on facebook.

  97. hilary said...

    facebooked it as wel Hilary

  98. Vicky C. said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries.
    I also shared on facebook today.

  99. Virginia Moura said...

    I just shared it on Facebook!
    Virginia Moura

  100. xPoPxKiDx110 {N!¢K} said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!


  101. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared again on facebook, not sure how many times you can get the 100 entries, but I'll take as many as I can

    subscriber at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com also RSS feed subscriber on same account MyYahoo

  102. Nancy C. said...

    Shared on Facebook and getting ready to send e-mail to let you know!

  103. alwayshopeful said...

    shared on fb @betty n rood

    alwaysatryin at gmail.com

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  104. tannawings said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

    email sent

  105. Joyce McDaniel said...

    Having more fun, I shared on FB as Joyce McDaniel and went on Diggs and signed up as joyce88. Love the iMac who wouldn't. Awesome present for my our anniversary of 32 years. Love this site.

  106. lisa said...

    shared on fb - lisa moss
    gotta cha baby! iMac me pls!!

  107. lisa said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  108. @graywolfpack said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!


  109. arress said...


  110. LissaL said...

    I shared on fb & retweeted! Woot!

  111. Judy G said...

    shared on FB for bonus entries. Thanks!!


  112. tv watcher said...

    shared on facebook


  113. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for 100 entries into this giveaway. I just shared on Facebook. Thank you!


  114. herblady said...

    Shared on FB again for 1/11:


  115. Kathy said...

    I shared on Facebook (kathydoucette)

  116. ariyana9501 said...

    Shared on FB!!!!!

  117. Trish said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  118. Jackie said...

    I subscribed to your feed!
    twinjackienurse at gmail.com

  119. LissaL said...

    Forgot to add: "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  120. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    I posted this giveaway at http://www.facebook.com/#/jacob.charries?ref=name

    I tweeted this giveaway at http://twitter.com/JCHARRIES/status/7649077963


  121. KennyWu said...

    I share on facebook http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000591430488

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  122. helobuff said...

    in for another 100 entries as per facebook offer!

  123. helobuff said...

    Facebooked again.. Diana Smith HIll

  124. JillNFilm said...

    I subscribe to your newsletter via email and I just posted it to my FB page Jill Hetman Kerns.

  125. suctionhorse said...

    shared again on Facebook and will continue to do so. member of fan page and subscribed to RSS feed. Thanks! from a photographer trying to start his business right with new Apple stuff.

  126. alvinrayyu said...

    shared on facebook for 100 entries


    shared on twitter for 100 entries

    twitter username: alvinrayyu

  127. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared on facebook again in hopes of getting another 100 entries. facebook.com/graywolfpack


  128. Diane said...

    "I'm a newsletter subscriber and I'm in for 100 additional entries!,

  129. Mommy Levy said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  130. sms303030 said...

    I shared on FB. sms303030

  131. sms303030 said...

    I tweeted for 100 entries. http://twitter.com/sms303030/status/7654474789

  132. El Tracio said...

    Shared and retweeted - not sure what's up with the digger.

    Chris P Kali
    amoparigi gmail

  133. pattidolls said...

    I shared on FB

  134. Whippeteer said...

    Post on FB

  135. Eric Breiland said...

    shared of FB I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  136. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    Facebook: Gluc Arthy

  137. Cheryl B said...

    I'm a facebook fan (Cheryl Newman Bradley)
    cln1812(at)gmail(dot)com (cln1812)

  138. tv watcher said...

    I subscribe to the email updates

    shared on facebook


  139. Anonymous said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    I also Retweeted the message (and gained yet, another follower - oh yea!
    Twitter: @GlArthy

  140. Edward29 said...

    Shared for 100 Entries


  141. Nancy C. said...

    Shared on Facebook

  142. Benjamin said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  143. Anne M said...

    I shared this on Facebook and Twitter. I need a new computer!

  144. Anonymous said...

    shared on facebook (lisa moss)
    for 100 please!

    oh tweeted 2! :)

  145. Park Avenue Princess said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

    Amy Santos


  146. Unknown said...

    yet, shared again.

    Hey, if ur Bday is march 13, then this would be a lovely belated bday gift, im march 10 :)

  147. TheresaJenkins said...

    fan on facebook,shared and tweeted

  148. Unknown said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries! Also I shared this on Facebook! Adam Millheim

  149. sunmoon said...

    I shared on FB

  150. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared again on facebook.com/graywolfpack


  151. Ann said...


  152. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=246142232468

  153. whitbord said...

    FB member and twitter follower

  154. Unknown said...

    I'm a Subscriber, and I shared on Facebook! Go Vikings!

  155. Parker said...

    Tweeted and shared on FB!

  156. cathy Stech said...

    I shared on FB!! Cathy Belval Stech!

  157. herblady said...

    Shared on FB 1/12:


  158. mich0825 said...

    shared again on FB, michellehohertz

  159. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook again 8:12pm est


  160. Anonymous said...

    posted on facebook

  161. @graywolfpack said...

    I Shared again on facebook again for the 100 extra entries


  162. Dany said...

    shared again

    my twitter handle @Cool_Dany

    facebook link :www.facebook.com/danielmangalraj

    mail ids : dan24raj@yahoo.com

    count me in ur contests !!

  163. El Tracio said...

    Sharing, til my fingers bleed. :)

    Chris P Kali
    AmoParigi gmail

  164. aporter said...


  165. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB three times: Gluc Arthy
    I retweeted: @GlArthy

  166. aashishtisdale said...

    i shared it on facebook twitter and also on my blog hope i win...

  167. Anonymous said...

    Shared on Facebook - Karissa G

  168. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for 100 entries. Thanks!

  169. eddiew said...

    shared on facebook...

  170. JanSKay said...

    Once again twittered and Put on Facebook

  171. Sheri Karobonik said...

    I just posted on face book.

  172. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on FB for an additional 100 entires!


  173. miss_moneymaker said...

    I'm a member via subscriber.

    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

  174. miss_moneymaker said...

    I'm a Facebook Fan. (Sarah Scott)

    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

  175. miss_moneymaker said...

    Following on Twitter & tweeted:

    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

  176. EppyTaff said...

    I've shared on FB (as Eppy Taff) for 100 extra entries. Thx Chris

  177. Misscrabbypants said...

    I shared this giveaway on fb
    Tan Smith


  178. Edward29 said...

    For 100 Additional points I shared on Facebook, Commented on Weekinrewind.com, and reTweeted on Twitter. Also Subscribed to RSS and Email Newsletter.

  179. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook today. Please count me in for another additional 100 entries for a chance to win the new iMac 27". Thank you so very much!



  180. Megan @ Book Brats said...

    Shared on FB! Megan Ayscue

  181. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook - Veronica.HuertaTx

  182. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=283874535970

  183. Parker said...

    Tweeted and shared!!

  184. Anonymous said...

    Im a FB Fan - tboardley20@gmail.com

  185. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook again to enter. facebook.com/graywolfpack

    I subscribe to email and RSS feeds, graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  186. Lorrie b. said...

    I shared on Facebook!Lorrie b.

  187. lisa said...

    shared fb
    tweeting like this one http://twitter.com/clulisa/status/7718089781 and others.
    *** iMac meee please ***

  188. slehan said...

    posted to FB: Slehan

  189. El Tracio said...

    Shared, retweeted (button wouldn't work--so manually), and dug.

    FB: Chris P Kali
    Tweet: DarkPassenger9
    amoparigi gmail

  190. Irene said...

    shared and retweeted

  191. Jodi said...

    I posted on FB (Jodi Batson)

  192. Jason S said...

    shared it on facebook.

  193. ctdannyd said...

    Shared on FB - thanks!

  194. tv watcher said...

    shared on facebook


  195. Kat C said...

    Shared on Facebook
    Kathryn Alkire Church

  196. ~dab said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  197. ~dab said...

    shared on FB for 100 entra entries, here's the proof :)


    (previous post was deleted because I posted the wrong link!!)

  198. smartshopper2 said...

    Shared via facebook button Audrey H.

  199. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FaceBook (Kathy Luman).
    Can I please have my extra 100 entries. Thank you.

  200. nubianp said...

    shared on fb and tweeted

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 558   Newer› Newest»