UPDATE: GOT FACEBOOK? Win a New iMac 27"!

1/09/2010 Posted by Admin

(First, don't worry--nothing has disappeared. I have all of your previous entries and comments logged.)

UPDATE #2:  Each time you share this on your Facebook account and let us know in the comments section of this post, we'll check--and you'll be entered.  Each "share" equals one entry--you can share as often as you like.

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  Since this is a $1,700 giveaway, playing will change over the following weeks until we give the iMac away on March 13, 2010 (my birthday!).  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs and Video Games HERE.  Try your hand at those!

Finally, this will come in handy later as the contest progresses:

You can join our fan page on Facebook here.

Getting a head start on being a member of our fan page would be a smart move, indeed.


View the video for the new iMac below!

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  1. swhitaker99 said...

    I shared on Facebook!
    Sharon Wheeler-Whitaker

  2. swhitaker99 said...

    I tweeted the contest here!



  3. miss_moneymaker said...


  4. miss_moneymaker said...

    Shared on facebook. (Sarah Scott)

  5. El Tracio said...

    Another one? This will go over the 1,000,000 mark for sure!

    FB: Chris P. Kali

  6. aporter said...


  7. paula.rodillo said...

    have shared on FB


  8. suctionhorse said...

    Posted on Facebook again today. Member of the FB fan page and subscribed via RSS! Help a dirt poor photographer! ;-)

  9. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared on facebook again facebook.com/graywolfpack

    I subscribe to emails and RSS Feeds at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  10. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=264606659088

  11. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared on facebook for another entry


  12. herblady said...

    Shared on FB 1/14:

  13. jellosheriff said...

    shared - jj jellosheriff

  14. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook again today. Please count me in for a chance to win. Thank you!



  15. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB: Gluc Arthy

  16. Anonymous said...

    I shared again on FB: Gluc Arthy

  17. Anonymous said...

    member shared on facebook

  18. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to Email Newsletter RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    - Contact info in my Blogger profile

  19. aporter said...


  20. Anonymous said...

    Retweeted Five times: @GlArthy

  21. Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

    Shared on Facebook and I'm a subscriber.

  22. lisa said...

    posted on facebook

    tweeted from your page (no clean http to show, plus this tweet 2)

    hoping for that iMac....

  23. irma said...

    member and I shared on FB.

  24. יצחק said...

    retweeted @yitzy4

  25. @graywolfpack said...

    I shared on facebook for an enrty


  26. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    -Contact info in my Blogger profile

  27. Parker said...

    Tweeted and shared for today!!

  28. aporter said...


  29. Diane Bassette said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!

  30. suctionhorse said...

    Shared on Facebook and subscribed to the RSS feed and a member of the fan page on FB! Thanks again!

    The Broke Photographer

  31. Kimberly C. said...

    "I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  32. herblady said...

    Shared for 1/16:

  33. Kim said...

    Shared on Facebook:)

  34. Kimberly C. said...

    I tweeted this today!

  35. Kimberly C. said...

    Shared on facebook!

  36. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB.


  37. suctionhorse said...

    Shared on Facebook again and subscribed to RSS!

    The Broke Photographer

  38. sms303030 said...

    I shared on FB and tweeted.

  39. Kim said...

    Shared the wealth on FB LOL

  40. Julia said...


  41. Kim said...

    Shared on Facebook

  42. whitty999 -twitter said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  43. whitty999 - twitter said...

    I've signed up for your newsletter and I'm now in for 100 additional entries!"

  44. Julia said...


  45. suctionhorse said...

    Shared on FB again! Subscribed to RSS and FB Fan page.

    The Broke Photographer

  46. kibbyster said...

    shared on facebook under email gabflab@live.com.

  47. Edward29 said...

    Another entry for the win.

    - Subscribed to Email Newsletter RSS.
    - Retweeted on Twitter.
    - Fan and Sharing on Facebook.
    - Dugg on Digg.
    - Contact info in my Blogger profile

  48. sohamolina said...

    posted to my FB page.


  49. matzsmith said...

    I'm a fan & I shared /matzsmith

    I'm a follower & I tweeted @matzsmith

    I subscribe

  50. Stil29 said...

    Shared on fb and tweeted!

  51. D-LuX said...

    posted on FB: Dan Orosco
    Retweeted : Dlux_art

    NEEEED new Mac badly!

  52. jbafaith said...

    I shared on Facebook (Judy Bradley)

  53. Unknown said...

    Edgar geel

  54. Anonymous said...

    I shared.. :) And would love a new sleek Mac. userchart@yahoo

  55. CYNDI  said...

    I shared..

  56. Unknown said...

    shared yet again

  57. nubianp said...

    shared on facebook and I am a subscriber to your newsletter and I'm in for 200 additional entries!

  58. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB


  59. Cm said...

    I RT'd today @matzsmith

  60. Lilixtreme said...

    Posted on FB: Lilibeth Ramos

  61. sohamolina said...

    posted to Fb


  62. lisa said...

    http://twitter.com/clulisa/status/8215134540 = tweet

    facebook shared 2 (iMac me)***

  63. Andrea B. said...

    Shared on FB:andrea hadley-burke

    email subscriber


  64. Deborah Curran said...

    shared on face book and tweeted - treetrout1

  65. lisa said...

    posted on FB this am :)
    ** IMAC ME BABY **

    thx for Sundance info!!

  66. Lance Lash said...

    Just shared on my Facebook!
    -Lance Leese

  67. Kelly said...

    Shared and Tweeted
    Facebook: khiavdim
    Twitter: khiavdim

  68. sohamolina said...

    posted on FB


  69. Jennifer P said...

    I shared on facebook Jennifer Allen-Phillips

    jenni104 at yahoo dotcom

  70. tracey said...

    shared on facebook and retweeeted

  71. Jordan McKinney said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/MelroseModasuci/status/8298091345

  72. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for another entry. Thank you Christopher!



  73. lisa said...

    shared on facebook
    ** iMac me pls **

  74. Anonymous said...

    Subscribed by email. Posted on FaceBook. Charles Puffenbarger

  75. Stephanie said...

    Shared on facebook.


  76. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB


  77. lisa said...

    Shared on FB
    Thanks for the info about Cyrus (at Sundance last weekend) opening at Michigan Theatre this weekend! old stomping grounds... missing it...

  78. smartshopper2 said...

    Shared via FB button Audrey H.

  79. Anonymous said...

    Shared on FB. Alli Harris. thanks!

  80. matzsmith said...

    rt'd @matzsmith

  81. EppyTaff said...

    fan & shared on fb (Eppy Taff)
    following & rt'd on twitter @eppytaff

  82. adrian said...

    am a subscriber and FB fan
    just shared
    name is adrian momoftwo
    smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

  83. arress said...


  84. Anonymous said...

    Shared on Facebook (Kathy Luman) and tweeted (@kathyluman) http://twitter.com/kathyluman/status/8390655623

  85. D-LuX said...

    shared on FB, tweeted, etc

  86. lisa said...

    posted on fb
    tweeting 2
    thanks imac hopeful

  87. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB


  88. luckymomx4 said...

    Shared on Facebook!

    Pamela Gorall Angelo

  89. lisa said...

    facebook share
    thx chris

  90. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack


  91. lisa said...

    shared on fb

  92. sohamolina said...

    shared on fb


  93. Trainman1405 said...

    I shared it on Facebook and Twitter. :)

  94. Raphael said...

    Shared on Facebook!

  95. SlugBug said...

    Posted on facebook

  96. Kiara said...

    Shared on Facebook Kiara Auston.

  97. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack


  98. sriganesh said...

    i like to win, I joined in your face book, RT done and Shared on facebook. i am a student and i love to have this for my design needs, thanks in advance
    RT : RT @weekinrewind UPDATE: GOT FACEBOOK? Win a New iMac 27"!: Movie Reviews, Trailers, Photos, Posters, News, Giveaways... http://ow.ly/1mOl6Q
    Fshare : http://bit.ly/9Amgg0 link
    Plz pick me

  99. EppyTaff said...

    Just shared on FB as Eppy Taff

  100. Kim Coady said...

    I subscribe by email and I also shared on facebook


  101. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe at graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  102. Sanjay said...

    shared the post on my facebook !! ~_~

  103. sohamolina said...

    shared on Fb

  104. sirzune said...

    I shared on Facebook and Twitter.

  105. Debbie said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  106. Debbie said...

    I shared on facebook Debbie Rosa

  107. lisa said...

    shared on fb thx
    tweeting 2
    thx for the news

  108. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on facebook using my mobile device. Please count me in for another chance. Thanks!


  109. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB

  110. lisa said...

    facebook sharing

  111. lisa said...

    just had to check if I remembered to post here to... did...

    also just realized.... Chris - your pic to me is the win a man cave contest guy - see him more than your avatar pic... haven't merged both yet... lol

  112. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  113. Kattzzz said...

    Can I re-enter here too?!! Kattzzz@ facebook; twitter; news & email subscriber.

  114. Unknown said...

    and did it again on fb!

  115. Cm said...

    Ok you got me, I'll take it

  116. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB


  117. lisa said...

    posted on fb
    tweeting 2

  118. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack
    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  119. Amy said...

    I'm a member.

    shared on facebook

  120. @graywolfpack said...

    Shared at facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  121. lisa said...

    onto fb

  122. sohamolina said...

    posted on FB

  123. sohamolina said...

    Posted on FB


  124. sohamolina said...

    Posted to Fb


  125. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB


  126. lisa said...

    posted on FB

  127. sohamolina said...

    Posted on FB


  128. sohamolina said...

    Posted on FB

  129. sohamolina said...

    posted to fb


  130. sohamolina said...

    posted to fb


  131. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  132. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  133. sohamolina said...

    Posted to Fb


  134. sohamolina said...

    posted on FB


  135. sohamolina said...

    posted to fb

  136. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  137. sohamolina said...

    posted to Fb


  138. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  139. sohamolina said...

    Posted to FB

  140. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB


  141. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB


  142. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  143. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  144. Unknown said...

    Shared on Facebook

  145. sohamolina said...

    FB post


  146. sohamolina said...

    posted to Fb

  147. Karrie said...

    I shared on Facebook
    Karrie Millheim

  148. Gabrielle said...

    I tweeted.

  149. sohamolina said...

    posted to Fb


  150. Unknown said...

    I shared on Facebook Stephanie Bruce

  151. Anonymous said...

    I also shared on facebook, thanks omccoy

  152. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  153. sms303030 said...

    I shared on fb. sms303030

  154. KIWIE said...

    Shared on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1415165635

    and in twitter https://twitter.com/#!/KIWIEonWALL


  155. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB. Aleksandrs Breze

  156. Unknown said...

    Shared on:



  157. Michael&Hudson said...

    Shared on FB. I want that iMac!

  158. Michael&Hudson said...

    Shared on FB! I want that iMac!

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