UPDATE: Apple iPad Giveaway!

4/20/2010 Posted by Admin

Editor's Note:  All of your previous submissions and comments have been saved.  This is just an update for the contest in an effort to keep it fresh.

Just do one (or all) of the following.  Each time you do so counts as one entry.  

  •  First, join our fan page on Facebook here.  Once you do so, it counts as an entry.  Just let us know in the comments section here.  Doing this will give you a critical edge as most of our updates go to our fan page.  So, become a fan.

  • SHARE the link on your Facebook account (you can do so by clicking the "Share" button at the top right of this page) and let us know in the comments section of this post that you did so.  We'll check that you did--and you'll be entered.  Each time you "share," it equals one entry--you share as often as you like.  Hint: We really LIKE the sharing aspect.

  • Tweets also count as an entry.  Just Tweet this message to your followers for an entry:  "I entered the iPad Contest at @weekinrewind here: http://bit.ly/aAIoNT  Each Tweet equals one entry!  ReTweet often!"  Just let us know you did so in the comments section.  We'll check that you did--and you'll be entered.  Each time you Tweet the message, it equals one entry--you can do so as often as you like.
That's it!

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  The contest will end April 30, 2010.  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs and Video Games HERE.  Try your hand at those!


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  • del.icio.us
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  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 5391   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Anonymous said...

    @jimbojones1 entered!

  2. jonsothin said...

    tweeted @jonsothin

  3. TechyDad said...

    Entered! http://twitter.com/TechyDad/statuses/9991858349

    TechyDad at TechyDad dot com

  4. helobuff said...

    Faacebooked it!! :)

    Really hoping to win, my computer is having weird issues.. my graphics card is history and everything is really large on my screen and wont change back. Most pages wont fit on my screen anymore and it makes me dizzy to use my computer so I havent been on much lately. This would be an answer to my prayers!

  5. herblady said...

    Shared on FB 3/4:

  6. herblady said...

    Tweeted 3/4:

  7. miztrniceguy said...

    i shared on facebook.


  8. Unknown said...

    I'm a subscriber!

    Shared on Facebook @ Dottie Taylor
    Tweeted http://twitter.com/gymmom_027
    Buzzed on google


    Dottie :)

  9. Bingo said...

    I am a subscriber and I just shared on Facebook one more time

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  10. Bingo said...

    I am a subscriber and I just tweeted about the contest for iPad

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  11. trishden said...

    I've been tweeting numerous times a day and I'm a follower. @trishden. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  12. Bingo said...

    I just retweeted for the iPad

    kdhaney at gmail dot com

  13. trishden said...

    Oh and I'm a member too.

  14. Anonymous said...

    I just shared on Facebook!!

    sweetamy999 AT yahoo DOT com

  15. Darlene38 said...

    I just tweeted!

  16. Cole said...

    I'm subbed via email. I'm a fan on FB and I shared on FB

    "cole person" is my name on FB

  17. Cole said...



  18. Cole said...

    I buzzed it on google.. not sure how you find out or how to post i did

  19. karla sceviour said...

    I tweeted

  20. Willz said...

    tweeted here: http://twitter.com/MamaWillz/status/9996621662

  21. kakihara said...


  22. kakihara said...

    shared on facebook

  23. Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  24. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  25. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted about this giveaway.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  26. Anonymous said...

    I buzzed about this giveaway.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  27. sohamolina said...


  28. sohamolina said...

    posted to FB

  29. JillNFilm said...

    Retweeted it @jillnfilm

    Posted on FB Jill Hetman Kerns

    I subscribe via email to your newsletter!

  30. sohamolina said...

    feed subscriber

  31. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/9997253721

  32. frank said...

    posted link on my facebook for ipad giveaway
    my name on fb is Frank D Rosario

  33. Anonymous said...

    posted link on my facebook for ipad giveaway
    my name on fb is Frank D Rosario

  34. frank said...

    posted link on my facebook for ipad giveaway
    my name on fb is Frank D Rosario

  35. Jeanne said...

    i posted facebook! thanks

  36. kate5405 said...

    I tweeted @kate5405:


  37. Flor23 said...

    Tweeted already,

    Shared already on Facebook

  38. Unknown said...

    OK I posted wish me luck guy's

  39. Anonymous said...

    shared this on Facebook and
    tweeted this on Twitter:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  40. @graywolfpack said...

    Tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/10001099064


  41. @graywolfpack said...

    buzzed on google as @graywolfpack (jlegg14@comcast.net)

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  42. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  43. trishden said...

    I shared this on my FB page here:

    Trish Froehner

  44. trishden said...

    I tweeted on Twitter here:


  45. Deborah said...

    Shared on Facebook; id: Deborah Rosen http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=379736793775&id=662760126&ref=mf

  46. trishden said...

    I gave you a Buzz. Thanks! trishden

  47. Deborah said...

    Tweet: http://twitter.com/AsTheNight/status/10002101645

  48. Deborah said...

    I buzzed - but I don't know how to leave proof I did.

  49. Jason S said...

    member tweeted and facebook shared

  50. Joyce said...

    buzzed and tweeted

  51. Anonymous said...

    shared this on Facebook and
    tweeted this on Twitter:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  52. Anonymous said...

    I shared on FB: Gluc Arthy

  53. Anonymous said...

    i Tweeted: @GlArthy

  54. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  55. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  56. Anonymous said...

    i shared again on FB: Gluc Arthy

  57. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  58. Anonymous said...

    Shared on FB and became a fan. names 'Cat Lopez'


  59. Mommy Levy said...

    shared this again on FB (Mar. 5, 2010)

  60. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  61. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  62. Marilyn T said...



    Shared on my Facebook page

    dixiecrat44 (at)sbcglobal.net

  63. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10006095323

  64. donnas said...

    shared on FB

  65. donnas said...

    tweet - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/10006165772

  66. Unknown said...


  67. Unknown said...


  68. Edward29 said...

    Twitter ENtry


  69. Edward29 said...

    Google Buzz Entry


  70. Edward29 said...

    Facebook Entry


  71. Jeffrey Diamond said...



  72. Jeffrey Diamond said...


  73. JanSKay said...

    Shared on Facebook, Google Buzz and Twitter!

  74. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  75. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10011707115

  76. Parisian Heart said...

    I tweeted, shared, and buzzed.

  77. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  78. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  79. daniel thornton said...

    Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/computerfan/statuses/10013422139

  80. mgledrew said...

    Shared on Facebook, Matthew LeDrew

  81. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  82. Marice said...


  83. Marice said...


  84. Unknown said...

    daily tweet
    calvert0 at telus dot net

  85. mrcapncaveman said...

    Buzzed, Shared on Facebook and tweeted. http://twitter.com/mrcapncaveman/status/10015223467

  86. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  87. Josafiend said...

    I tweeted again; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10019908394

  88. Josafiend said...

    I shared on Facebook too, http://www.facebook.com/jowj1?ref=profile

  89. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10020930839

  90. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted and buzzed about the iPad giveaway.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  91. Cole said...

    http://twitter.com/Nubsauce/status/10021690329 tweeted :)

  92. Tamra Augostino said...

    Posted on Facebook
    Tweeted on Twitter
    I'm a subscriber!

  93. Andrea Ferreira said...

    Tweet here:http://twitter.com/dreamari/status/10022346758

    deamarina at gmail dot com

  94. Tamra Augostino said...


  95. sohamolina said...


  96. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10028159893

  97. Parker said...

    Shared,tweeted and buzzed!

  98. Douglas0327 said...

    I just posted a tweet on twitter. Please count me in for another additional entry. Thank you!

  99. Pricousins said...

    I shared on Facebook, tweeted, and Buzzed.

  100. Cole said...

    Shared on FB

    "cole person"

  101. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  102. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  103. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  104. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  105. Lega-c said...

    Tweeted @Lega_c uzzed and Facebook ad subscribed

  106. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10036582874

  107. Deanna said...

    I'm a member!

  108. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=355279247664

  109. Stylista Fitness said...

    shared on facebook
    melissa valmonte

  110. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10043993880

  111. Deanna said...

    I tweeted - http://twitter.com/deanna_j/statuses/10044795690

  112. Dee N said...

    Tweet http://twitter.com/ATweetMom/status/10046661213

    deeandco3 at gmail dot com

  113. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10046694348

  114. herblady said...

    Shared on FB 3/5:

  115. herblady said...

    Tweeted 3/5:

  116. Anonymous said...

    i shared on FB: Gluc Arthy

  117. Anonymous said...

    i shared on FB: Gluc Arthy

  118. Anonymous said...

    i Tweeted: @GlArthy

  119. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10051194775

  120. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/10051192319


  121. @graywolfpack said...

    buzzed on google as @graywolfpack (jlegg14@comcast.net)

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  122. Josafiend said...

    retweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10051634239

  123. Anonymous said...

    shared this on Facebook and
    tweeted this on Twitter:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  124. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  125. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/10053125350


  126. @graywolfpack said...

    buzzed on google as @graywolfpack (jlegg14@comcast.net)

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  127. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  128. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  129. Anonymous said...

    I shared this again on Facebook:


    Also, subscribes via E-mail and RSS.

  130. donnas said...


  131. Dany said...

    my twitter handle @Cool_Dany

    facebook link :www.facebook.com/danielmangalraj

    mail ids : dan24raj@yahoo.com

    count me in ur contests !!

    Just nw shared

  132. Dany said...

    my twitter handle @Cool_Dany

    facebook link :www.facebook.com/danielmangalraj

    mail ids : dan24raj@yahoo.com

    count me in ur contests !!


  133. Unknown said...

    daily tweet
    calvert0 at telus dot net

  134. daniel thornton said...

    I tweeted: http://twitter.com/computerfan/statuses/10064175915

  135. Bixapathi Alagandula said...

    tweeted. @bixapathi

  136. Parisian Heart said...

    I just buzzed, shared, and tweeted.

  137. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10069142131

  138. Josafiend said...

    retweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10069519586

  139. Josafiend said...

    I tweeted again; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10069972210

  140. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/10071747590

  141. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  142. @graywolfpack said...

    buzzed on google as @graywolfpack (jlegg14@comcast.net)

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  143. Spaznchick said...

    Tweet http://twitter.com/spaznchick/status/10072726096

  144. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10074496574

  145. Anonymous said...


  146. Anonymous said...


  147. Anonymous said...


  148. Ankit Bhardwaj said...

    shared on facebook!!!!

  149. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10068565929

  150. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10079388860

  151. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10079712615

  152. N.Naveen kumar said...

    I have shared on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295751927&ref=mf

  153. N.Naveen kumar said...

    i am a member and I have tweeted here: http://twitter.com/HELLOWDOIT/status/10081978962

  154. N.Naveen kumar said...

    I have buzzed with my gmail account also.....so please count me in

  155. Cole said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/Nubsauce/status/10082697417 :)

  156. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10084016390

  157. Unknown said...

    I'm a WeekInRewind Newletter subscriber! I shared on FB/jackie l tweed; I Buzzed on Google/jtweed21; and I tweeted on Twitter/tweed524

  158. @graywolfpack said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/graywolfpack/status/10084509060


  159. @graywolfpack said...

    buzzed on google as @graywolfpack (jlegg14@comcast.net)

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  160. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on facebook.com/graywolfpack

    subscribe graywolfpack5@yahoo.com

  161. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10084930109

  162. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10086287761

  163. herblady said...

    Shared on FB 3/6:

  164. herblady said...

    Tweeted 3/6:

  165. Dee N said...

    Tweet http://twitter.com/ATweetMom/status/10087052527

    deeandco3 at gmail dot com

  166. Josafiend said...


  167. JanSKay said...

    Shared on Facebook, Google Buzz and Twitter once more for the WIN!

  168. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10092773194

  169. ~dab said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/simplydab/status/10092823723

  170. Anonymous said...

    Spankieway Shared on Facebook

  171. Steve said...

    shared and tweeted @srpsco

  172. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=360808419440

  173. Deanna said...

    I tweeted (again) - http://twitter.com/deanna_j/statuses/10095639739

  174. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10096335923

  175. Angie B said...

    I RT'd @angiewith3

  176. ~dab said...

    tweet http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=346263349725&id=641513505&ref=mf

  177. Kimberly C. said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  178. Kimberly K. said...

    I shared on Facebook.

  179. Kimberly K. said...

    I tweeted on Twitter.

  180. Kimberly K. said...

    I buzzed...

  181. Edward29 said...

    Facebook Entry

  182. Edward29 said...

    Twitter Entry

  183. Edward29 said...

    Google Buzz Entry

  184. JanSKay said...

    Shared on Google Buzz, Facebook and Twitter and I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  185. Josafiend said...

    tweet; http://twitter.com/jowright1959/status/10100462680

  186. Jenbutterfly said...

    I'm an email subscriber and I tweeted (jenbutterfly).

  187. Jenbutterfly said...

    I buzzed on google (jenbutterfly12)

  188. gracey said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  189. Pricousins said...

    Shared on Facebook and I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  190. natassia said...

    you get 200 additional entries for being a subscriber.... i also tweeted~

  191. natassia said...

    you get 200 additional entries... i facebooked this!

  192. cherdon said...

    I am a member. I subscribe

    Facebooked it




    Buzzed on google


  193. cherdon said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"


  194. MB said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  195. ~dab said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  196. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!


  197. Anthony Burrows said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber! I WANT THE IPAD!!!!! (YES I'M A GADGET GEEK HAHA). Also retweeted on twitter!

    Anthony Burrows

  198. Cole said...

    http://twitter.com/Nubsauce/status/10108013197 tweeted :)

  199. Spaznchick said...

    Tweet: http://twitter.com/spaznchick/status/10108019203

  200. daniel thornton said...

    Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/computerfan/statuses/10110313705

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