Kate Nash's “My Best Friend is You” Review
Kate Nash's “My Best Friend is You
By our guest blogger, Megan O'Malley
Kate Nash came onto the scene on the heels of Lily Allen. They both were quirky British songstresses with a penchant for tea-length dresses and a bit of tartness about them. I liked Kate Nash better--her album, “Made of Bricks
The first track, “Paris,” is a grand opening that sets the pace and to some extent, the sound of the album. For those who loved the intimacy that came with certain songs on “Made of Bricks,” be warned that that understanding is replaced by a highly orchestrated sound. The listeners are forced to focus on the instrumentation instead of the words. Her lyrics are still biting and poetic, but they tend to get lost in the over-orchestration.
Some songs are spots of sheer brilliance. “Take Me a Higher Plane
I listened to the album and I didn’t really enjoy it. Only “I Hate Seagulls” is recognizable Nash. But I don’t feel like I will always dislike “My Best Friend is You.” “Made of Bricks” took a few listens to really get into the songs, and now it is my go to sunny-day album. Listen to “My Best Friend is You” at your own risk. My final ruling on the album isn’t complete yet, but I do know that I like her earlier work much better.
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