Taylor Momsen is on Hiatus from “Gossip Girl”

11/27/2010 Posted by Admin

Taylor Momsen is on Hiatus from “Gossip Girl”

Television News

By our guest blogger, Daphne Hernandez

Taylor Momsen’s string of recent controversy, in my opinion, seems to be a ploy to get off the oh-so-mainstream “Gossip Girl.” Perhaps if one is contractually obligated to remain as a series regular, you will do just about everything to get a character killed off. No, they’re not careening Jenny Humphrey off the Brooklyn Bridge (though could you imagine the ratings CW?). However it was announced that the “Gossip Girl” execs are benching the actress/singer indefinitely after next Monday’s episode.

The Pretty Reckless singer blazed through the headlines with her “angsty” behavior, clearly upstaging her teen counterpart Miley Cyrus as the “badder” of the two (eye roll). Cyrus dances on stripper poles and Momsen forgoes pants for garter belts.

I’m sure they’ll both cringe at this when they’re 30.

Momsen, who has played Jenny Humphrey since the inception of the hit CW teen drama, recently came under fire for flashing her underage chest to an unsuspecting audience at Don Hill’s in New York City. Her latest verbal gaffe was blaming her parents for her unhappiness, and subsequently we blame them for making us endure her.

The ever-sassy Tim Gunn of “Project Runway” fame recently had this to say about guest starring on “Gossip Girl” with our favorite little Debbie Downer:

“What a diva! She was pathetic, she couldn’t remember her lines, and she didn’t even have that many. I thought to myself ‘why are we all being held hostage by this brat?’”

Well Tim, when your aspirations are to be the next Kurt Cobain, lines are so beneath you.

Momsen’s past rebellious roles include Cindy Lou Who in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

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